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Storage Shed <br />The existing storage shed at the rear corner of the property is in very poor structural condition <br />and is in need of replacement. The proposed plans include the removal of the detached shed and <br />a lean-to storage room at the rear of the Blacksmith's shop. (See attached Exhibits L, P, Q, R <br />and S). <br />The existing paved area for vehicle parking will be striped for seven vehicles. Access will be <br />from a single driveway on West Estudillo Avenue. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />Library -Historical Commission Review <br />On October 16, 2007, the Library -Historical Commission reviewed the proposal and did not <br />object to the plans since there was no significant alteration to the character or appearance of the <br />Carriage House and Blacksmith's Shop. <br />Subsequent to the Library -Historical Commission's review the Fire Department found that the <br />existing second floor window did not meet Code requirements for egress and the interior of the <br />loft needed taller head clearance—it had to be larger. The applicant explored adding a dormer <br />similar to the gardener's cottage, however, the small size of the building could not accommodate <br />an aesthetically correct design that would be balanced, symmetrical, and have appropriate size <br />and scale. <br />On January 15, 2008, the Library -Historical Commission reviewed the proposal to increase the <br />height of the walls and the roof. After its review the Commission found that it could not <br />recommend approval of the proposal. The proposal altered the basic proportion of the building. A <br />recommendation of approval to increase the height of this building could set precedence where <br />other properties with a historic designation will also want to propose increasing their height or <br />size and altering the proportions of those buildings. The building was not constructed for use as a <br />residence. <br />General Plan and Zoning Code <br />The General Plan designation for the site and the immediate area including the St. Leander <br />Church and School grounds, the Casa Peralta, and nearby residential properties is Medium <br />Density Residential. The DA -3 Downtown Area base district provides for the implementation of <br />the Downtown San Leandro Transit -Oriented Development Strategy in areas immediately <br />adjacent to the Downtown retail core, which includes a minimum allowable multi -family <br />residential density of 24 units per acre (one unit per 1,800 square feet) for lots with less than <br />20,000 square feet (Zoning Code Section 2-640 A. 5.). The subject property contains 16,850 <br />square feet thus the DA -3 minimum density encourages nine units on the property. <br />Staff believes the lower density proposal and the conversion of the small detached units would be <br />considerably more compatible than a higher density development proposal. The proposed low- <br />density proposal would be less likely to have any impacts such as traffic intensity to the area. The <br />existing small detached units lessens any impact of the project site appearing overdeveloped to <br />Planning Commission Staff Report November 13, 2008 <br />PLN2007-00062 Page 4 of 7 <br />