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• This would entail closing the Harbor, or converting it to a small boat facility, while parts <br />of the rest of the marina would be improved to meet the overall recreational objective. <br />Under this option, 85,000 cubic yards of material will have to be dredged from the <br />federal channel and disposed of in the next two years. The cost of dredging will be fully <br />covered by the COE with the available allocation, but the City would have to cover the <br />dredge disposal cost of about $2,000,000, partially from the available harbor area <br />dredging allocation of slightly more than $1,000,000. Maintenance dredging and <br />material removal (about 50,000 cubic yards) would have to be undertaken in about five <br />years at a cost of about $2,200,000 to $3,500,000. A four-year cycle maintenance dredge <br />will ensure a continued use of the Marina for small boats and crafts. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />• Periodic maintenance dredging of the Jack D. Maltester Channel and San Leandro Marina <br />(four-year cycle) to provide safe boating access and promote use of the Marina <br />• Comply with the applicable requirements of regulating agencies, including the <br />Environmental Protection Agency and Dredged Material Management Office (DMMO), the <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the Bay Conservation and Development <br />Commission (BCDC), and the COE <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• On November 5, 1990, by Resolution No. 1990-222, the City Council approved the <br />Amendment to Agreement with Environmental Science Associates, Inc. for Professional <br />Services Related to Dredging, Bench Removal, for the Marina Facilities Replacement and <br />Shoreline Restoration Projects <br />• On November 5, 1990, by Resolution No. 1990-223, the City Council approved the <br />Amendment to Contractual Services Agreement with Environmental Science Associates <br />Relating to Marina Facilities Replacement Project for Water Circulation and Drainage Plan, <br />Project No. 90-8663 <br />• On November 5, 1990, by Resolution No. 1990-224, the City Council approved the <br />Contractual Service Agreement with Environmental Science Associates for Monitoring and <br />Testing of Dredging Operation Related to the Marina Facilities Replacement Project <br />• On February 18, 1997, by Resolution No. 1997-15, the City Council approved the <br />Memorandum of Agreement and Work Order with the COE for the Fiscal Year 1997 Marina <br />and Channel Dredging Project <br />• On May 21, 2001, by Resolution No. 2001-70, the City Council approved the appropriation <br />of funds and authorized to negotiate a Construction Contract with USACOE for dredging at <br />the San Leandro Marina <br />• On August 1, 2005, by Resolution No. 2005-122, the City Council approved a Contractual <br />Services Agreement with Environmental Science Associates, Inc. relating to the Channel and <br />Berth Dredging Project <br />• On August 1, 2005, by Resolution No. 2005-122, the City Council approved a Contractual <br />Services Agreement with Concept Marine Associates, Inc. Related to the Channel and Berth <br />Dredging Project <br />