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Committee Recommendation: <br />The committee recommends that City Council consider a ban on alcohol in City parks and open <br />space areas with an exception for City sponsored special events with prior authorization by the <br />City Council. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Dog Park <br />Carolyn announced the type of ground covering chosen for the dog park (4 inches of <br />decomposed granite throughout the park), which was recommended by the Recreation and Park <br />Commission for its low maintenance cost. The Park Development fund will be the funding <br />source and the projected maintenance cost is $22,000 per year. <br />Mayor Santos informed that the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) is proposing a project <br />at Oyster Bay Park fora 7-acre dog run. The project is currently in the design phase so the <br />location is still unknown. The opposition to this dog run is that citizens do not want anything <br />done to Oyster Bay. Mayor Santos recommended that Carolyn look into the EBRPD project <br />before proceeding any further with the Dog Park project. <br />Councilmember Starosciak expressed the need for a dog park, either in downtown or on the east <br />side for those who are not close to Oyster Bay Park. To have a dog park in the City would create <br />a pedestrian-friendly area. Councilmember Souza agreed and added that if it is approved, <br />consideration should be made to having a dog watering fountain named after Luster Knight. <br />4. Discussion Regarding LINKS Shuttle /Transportation <br />Cynthia Battenberg explained that the Office of Business Development is managing the <br />administration of LINKS in conjunction with Gordon Galvan, the Executive Director of the San <br />Leandro Transportation Organization, which manages LINKS. Discussion on the program <br />opened with expansion opportunities. Cynthia then reported on operational changes that <br />occurred in FY 2007-08, which included gas-powered buses, increase in route stops from 11 to <br />23. In the coming year, there are plans to increase marketing efforts, install automatic counters <br />on the buses, and to explore equipping buses with a GPS to provide real time schedules on the <br />interset. As of July 1, 2008, some of the duties of the Executive Director have been assumed by <br />the Office of Business Development and compensation has been adjusted accordingly. <br />There is good news for the LINKS program. Grant funding has been secured through a TFC <br />grant ($82,500 this year and next) and the LINKS ranked first fora $405,000 three-year <br />LIFELINE grant. LINKS is funded by three interdependent funding sources, so grant funding is <br />essential in order to keep the program going. <br />Mayor Santos suggested canvassing other businesses and agencies, such as Kraft, Ghiradelli and <br />the Adult School, for additional routes and "buy-in" into the project. Mayor Santos requested <br />that Gordon talk with AC Transit about the possibility of coordinating routes to augment the <br />LINKS service. Gordon discussed his meeting with Kaiser and Kaiser's interest in a shuttle <br />service for its new location. <br />City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee <br />November 4, 2008 <br />