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Councilmember Souza asked if new businesses added to the route would have a say in how much <br />they pay. Gordon replied that the key is to keep what we have right now and over the next five <br />years, explore program expansion. <br />There is a need to determine a revenue stream now so that LINKS service can be funded well <br />into the future. Councilmember Starosciak shared information that the LINKS shuttle program is <br />the number one recommended "Lifeline" transit service and that funds are available every three <br />years for this service. She recommended that Gordon seek that funding to maintain the LINKS <br />program. <br />5. Public Comments <br />Corina Lopez of Best Manor HOA acknowledges the efforts to ban alcohol in city parks and says <br />that her experience working with the City is positive. <br />Sabrina Almazan of Four Paws Society expressed her satisfaction in dealing with E & T relating <br />to the Dog Park. The Park Advisory Committee (PAC) met with Oyster Bay Dog Group who <br />performed surveys to come up with the top locations for a dog park. The PAC will meet again <br />on November 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss those locations. Mayor Santos will report on <br />November 17. <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />Regarding the Safe Routes to School Project, Council members had concerns with the Speed <br />Feedback Signs. Councilmember Souza noticed a sign not working and asked who should be <br />called. Councilmember Starosciak asked if signs are programmable to adjust the flashing <br />display. She would like to see the light flashing faster when speed increases and eventually stays <br />lit if speed becomes excessive. Ken will look into the possibility of programming the Speed <br />Feedback Signs. Ken advised Councilmember Souza that Engineering is responsible for the <br />signs being operational. <br />Councilmember Souza requested speed humps/bumps in the Family Aquatic Center (parking lot <br />property side) for safety purposes. <br />7. Adjourn <br />Meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m. <br />City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee <br />November 4, 2008 4 <br />