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• ~~ r ~ 1 w <br />• • ~ ~ ~ ~ IICw-. 4-, <br />Cttyy Ot S~~n Leat~d~•c~ ~~f,_r.~~; _ - ri e~ y~ ~~~~~ _. <br />(. i~~ic` Cr=i~Yc~~ ~ ;'~~ F. t ~f1~ Slrc~i,l ~~, ~' ~~ ~, ~ ~~~ ~ <= <br />Yf" e ' ~ <br />S~~n I_c~~ntim, < ~lifcrrni~t ~1.1.~" <br />October 1. 2{~)OS ~+~ °C,~ ~ +~ ~' <br />Honorable l~'fayor and Cif}~ Council ~~~',, ~~ <br />Cite of Sate Leandro <br />K ~ 5 h-. l ~`~' Street <br />San Leandro, CA 9477 <br />Dear ~Mavor Santos and Council Members: <br />As retluested by th~c Cit}- Council at the September ~4. ?OU7 City Council meeting, the Recreation <br />and Park Commission has researched the feasibility of building a dog park in San Leandro. It is <br />the recommendation ol• the Recreation and Park Commission that the City Council crnlsider <br />using park development fees to build a dog park with areas for hoth small and large dogs at the <br />Marina Shoreline in a section that is currently used as an off leash area for dogs located just <br />south of the E}31)A de-chlorination building. 'this recommendation is a result oC one year o1' <br />thorough, thoughtful research and discussion with cornrnunity members, Four Paws Society (a <br />local non profit pex advocacy group). other agcneics managing dog parks and city staff from <br />various departments. <br />Thro>_ighout the past year the Recreation and Park Commission held nine Commission meetings <br />jone of wrhich was publicized in the newspaper in addition to regular postings}: one communit}> <br />meeting on a Saturday at a potential dog park site; surveyed 15 agcneics managing, dog parks <br />revie~a~ing their design. size, cost to build, cost to maintain and issues of concern post-ope~ling of <br />the park: worked with 1=our Paws Society on design, loc;atiun and issues generated by their <br />community survey and received design and maintenance input and cost estimates from the <br />Public works and Engineering and Transportation Ucpartmcnts. Consistently through our <br />meetings and research we heard nothing but community support and need for a dog park. f:very <br />agency said that their dog park was the most heavily used park. <br />Staff`, working with Four Paws Society and input fiom the community from meetings and <br />surveys, have prepared a conceptual design including a prelerre.d location. The preferred <br />location is due to its proximity to parking and restrooms and distance from neighbors. 'I~l~e <br />conceptual design includes a 1. ~ acre fenced. gated park with separate small and large dog areas. <br />water, a shade structure. benches and garbage cans. The ground cover would he decomposed <br />granite which allows drainage, reduces the need for mowin~~ or irrigating and is a nice surface for <br />dogs. <br />Attached is a cope of the conceptual designs as wall as three cost estimates developed by the <br />Engineering and Transportation Ucpartment• The cost variance per estimate is dependent on the <br />amount of decomposed granite. Option #1 has a ~'perimcter of decomposed granite around the <br />ii,~nce to lessen the need for hand weeding along the fence (a high maintenance costj. Option #2 <br />lu~,~: ti~u,t~,,, :.t~:~~.~,,~ <br />< ~i4 t ~nu~~il '~uri~-~nr--~ C_ .Atfrhr>>~~~ j Gr~•~ .. In~i i'i.,l,~. <br />11i.~n,i ~, _u~i1~t: ~r,~cr~ Imo. `~L'irn<,~ ., !lil' `~t, n~.~. ~. <br />