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Oyster $ay Park Disposal Alternative <br />^ EBRPD open to receiving dredge material directly to park <br />but significant issues exist with method <br />^ City must pump slurry about % mile uphill to disposal <br />area requiring additional pumping and pipeline <br />^ Dewatering process must accept slurry at the rate the <br />COE pumps and coordination will be extremely difficult <br />^ Trails 8 public areas will be disrupted by temporary piping <br />^ Additional permitting will be required that could impact <br />2009 dredging schedule <br />^ City costs of disposal incurred at time of dredging <br />^ Mechanical dewatering process expensive $15-$30/cy <br />City of Santa Cruz incurred a cost of $35/cy with a similar <br />Questions ? <br />6 <br />