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3. Discussion Regarding Potential for Private Development to Support Shoreline Amenities <br />and Improvements <br />Manager Battenberg began the dialogue regarding future private development at the shoreline <br />that could serve as amenities such as a conference center and more restaurants. There has been <br />a recommendation from Bay Access and the Coastal Conservancy to provide facilities for <br />small boat users. There has also been interest from a children's museum. <br />Mayor Santos interjected that new private development should be self-sustaining. Over the <br />years there have been various plans that did not materialize such as an office complex or multi- <br />family residential condominiums at the Cable television site, or the consolidation of the Endo <br />properties at the entrance of the shoreline for some type of waterfront development. <br />Councilmember Starosciak stated that perhaps the future master plan should consider cultural <br />and ethnic diversity and include an Asian restaurant with banquet facilities. <br />Ed Miller, Cal Coast, noted the comments and stated that the master plan could be made to <br />market to multiple ethnic groups. <br />Mayor Santos stated that large employers in the City have asked him to have another restaurant <br />in the shoreline area to compete with Horatio's. <br />Manager Hollister stated that the developer and the Shoreline CAC will look to master plan the <br />area with a solution that will be self-sustainable and that will create an environment that people <br />will enjoy visiting and strolling through. <br />Ed Miller stated that he understands the Shoreline needs the right combination of <br />improvements to create the synergy that the City needs for aself-sustaining shoreline. <br />5. Next Meeting -December 16, 2008 <br />The Committee affirmed that the next meeting date, if needed, will be Tuesday, December 16, <br />2008. <br />6. Public Comments <br />Bob Leigh asked for clarification of the CalBoat loan balance and asked if the dredge spoils <br />would be clean fill. Director Bakaldin and Manager Battenberg replied that the debt service <br />annual payments include interest and principal. Director Udemezue replied to the second <br />question that dredged material has different contents; in fact in some cases dredged material <br />could have high levels of lead. Bob Leigh interjected that the East Bay Regional Park District <br />only takes clean fill. <br />7. Committee Member Comments <br />The Committee thanked Ed Miller for being present at the meeting <br />8. Adjourn -The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. <br />P:\CommitteesQvtarina Committee\llighlights\2008\l 1-18-08 Marina Highlights_doc <br />