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STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) <br />I, DAVE MACDONALD, Registrar of Voters for the County of Alameda, State of <br />California, having canvassed the returns of all votes cast in the City of San Leandro at the <br />General Municipal Election held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 do hereby certify the <br />following to be a full, true and correct Statement of the Results of all votes cast on the <br />following measure: <br />Measure RR: Shall an ordinance be adopted to reduce the City of San <br />Leandro's existing utility users' tax from 6 % to 5.7 % on <br />telecommunications and video (cable-like) services; ensure that users of <br />current and future technologies be treated fairly; and preserve funding for <br />general municipal services such as police, maintenance of and improvements <br />to city streets and sidewalks and graffiti removal? <br />YES 24,265 NO 4,685 <br />I further certify that the total number of ballots cast in the Ciry of San Leandro at said <br />election was 32,892 and attached hereto is a complete statement of the results showing the <br />number of votes cast at each precinct for and against the measure. <br />I hereby set my hand and my official seal this 26th day of November 2008 at Oakland, <br />California. <br /><,~ ~°l ,~ <br />~ ~~~~. <br />< ~i '~ <br />~ '( v <br />6~~ , <br />r ~~}~~ <br />-~ <br />` ~ i i / !/ ~ ~ ~D <br />C _.._ f ~ 1 Y'~~ i~~ <br />r t~ ~~ ~ <br />x, <br />a; <br />A E MACDONALD <br />Registrar of Voters <br />County of Alameda <br />State of California <br />