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8C Consent 2008 1215
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Packet 2008 1215
8C Consent 2008 1215
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANKUAL REPORT F`Y 2008-09 <br />During FY 2004-05, the SLTMO and the City continued to pursue all available grant <br />opportunities to support the shuttle program. The City was again successful in obtaining a grant <br />from the BAAQMD; and the SLTMO, in partnership with the Davis Street Family Resource <br />Center (DSFRC), obtained a second two-year LIFT grant in the amount of $266,666. Since the <br />LIFT grant from MTC was provided to fund transportation for DSFRC clients, the SLTMO <br />expanded the LINKS route in January 2005 to include the DSFRC, located on Teagarden Street. <br />The change in the service route to include DSFRC required the original BID to be re-formed to <br />include additional businesses that lie within one-quarter mile of the expanded service area. <br />The LINKS continued to see healthy ridership during FY 2006-07 with total hoardings <br />exceeding 209,690. Average monthly hoardings for the FY 2006-07 were 17,474 with a high of <br />19,735 in October of 2006. The specific impact of the route change to include the DSFRC <br />continues to be seen in the dramatic and continued increase of average monthly ridership. <br />Average ridership from January 2004 to January 2005 (the inception date of the route change to <br />include DSFRC) increased 27% to 11,890 total hoardings for January 2005, then increased <br />another 24% from January 2005 to January 2006 for a total of 14,782 total hoardings, and then <br />increased another 22% to reach 18,096 total hoardings in January 2007. <br />Although current adverse economic conditions have affected some business operations in the <br />West San Leandro Industrial Area with problems such as companies having to downsize their <br />number of employees, relocation of businesses or closures of businesses leaving vacant <br />properties, the LINKS continued to have a ridership of more than 160,000 total hoardings during <br />FY 2007-08. July and August 2008 hoardings spiked to 17,115 and 13,720 hoardings versus the <br />previous year's 14,038 and 12,550 hoardings. The spike in numbers is likely attributable to <br />increased fuel prices that occurred spring and early summer of 2008. A full ridership report, from <br />the inception of the shuttle through August 2008, is included as Exhibit A to this report. <br />The current method of counting the number of passengers is by a manual clicker used by the <br />shuttle driver. The SLTMO and staff have recommended improving the counting method by <br />implementing an automated counter as the shuttle is boarded. The Executive Director and the <br />SLTMO are exploring different alternatives to automating the passenger counting method. <br />LINKS Operation for Fiscal Year 2007-08 <br />In response to the California Air Resources Board regulations which required the LINKS <br />transition from Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles to gasoline vehicles, effective January <br />1, 2008, LINKS service was modified to two 32-passenger gasoline-fueled busses operating from <br />5:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., five days a week (Monday -Friday) and one <br />CNG vehicle that operates for one hour during the peak morning commute. The SLTMO <br />requires MV Transportation to specify as to the exact amount of gasoline, and CNG vehicle use <br />on their monthly invoices. <br />The LINKS service consists of a 6.25 mile loop through the central and western areas of San <br />Leandro bounded by Davis Street on the north, Doolittle Drive on the west, Farallon Drive on the <br />south and San Leandro Boulevard on the east. Starting in 2008, the number of LINKS stops was <br />increased from 11 to 23 to reduce intermittent stops (see LINKS route map -Exhibit B). The <br />3~1~<{{;ail <br />
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