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future work of a similar nature. The WMA, therefore, agrees to allow Grantee to describe this <br />project in its statements of qualifications and related materials. <br />The WMA may, in its sole discretion, require Grantee to identify or credit the WMA as <br />the funding agency or source for all materials or products generated or produced by Grantee as <br />part of this project. This identification or credit may take the form of a logo or other <br />representative mark of the WMA or representative wording (e.g. "funded in whole or in part by <br />the Alameda County Source Reduction and WMA") which is printed or applied directly on or to <br />those materials or products. <br />Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Grantee shall have and retain title to all <br />real or personal property purchased or funded with grant funds; provided, however, that the <br />WMA may require, as an additional condition of eligibility for grant funds and in advance of <br />approval of this Agreement, that the Grantee provide security to the WMA in order to ensure the <br />performance of Grantee's obligations under this Agreement and that those obligations are <br />performed consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br />15. Confidentiallnformation <br />Grantee will hold any confidential information received from WMA and its member <br />agencies in the course of performing this Agreement in trust and confidence and will not reveal <br />such confidential information to any person or entity, either during the term of the Agreement or <br />at any time thereafter. Upon expiration of this Agreement, or termination as provided herein, <br />Grantee will return materials which contain any confidential information to WMA. Grantee may <br />keep one copy for its confidential file. For purposes of this paragraph, confidential information is <br />defined as all information disclosed to Grantee which relates to WMA's and its member <br />agencies' past, present, and future activities, as well as activities under this Agreement, which <br />information is not otherwise of public record under California law. Failure to comply with this <br />section shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. <br />16. Insurance <br />a. During the life of this Agreement, Grantee shall maintain the following <br />minimum insurance: <br />1. Comprehensive general liability insurance, including personal injury <br />liability, blanket contractual liability and broad-form property damage liability coverage. <br />The combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage shall be not less than <br />$1,000,000. Grantee shall also obtain, at it sole expense, and provide to the WMA a <br />written endorsement for each policy listing the WMA, its directors, officers, employees <br />and agents as "additional insureds" under that policy. <br />2. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance covering <br />owned, non-owned, rented, and hired cars. The combined single limit for bodily injury <br />and property damage shall be not less than $1,000,000. <br />3. Statutory workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance as <br />required by state law. Neither Grantee nor its carrier shall be entitled to recover any <br />costs, settlements, or expenses of workers' compensation claims arising out of this <br />Agreement <br />ACWMA Grant Agreement Page 5 of 14 <br />San Leandro Senior Center (COSL Project 210-18-116) <br />