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Shoreline CAC <br />December 3, 2008 Meeting Highlights <br />statement of the Shoreline Development Citizens Advisory Committee (Shoreline <br />CAC) which includes the following: <br />• Developing amenities that will appeal to most people, <br />• Incorporating and connecting the current amenities with future ones, <br />• Recognizing how desirable the shoreline area is and taking advantage of <br />its regional placement, including proximity to the Oakland Airport, <br />• Developing a master plan that requires little or no City investment and <br />creates a shoreline area that is self-sustaining. <br />C. Introductions. The Shoreline CAC members introduced themselves. The <br />membership includes a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, experiences and <br />interests. The group includes teens, parents with young children, long-time <br />residents, newer residents of the city, business owners, retired persons, developers, <br />builders, designers, boaters, hikers, bikers, and dog walkers. The majority <br />appreciate the views of the bay from the shoreline, the location along the water and <br />the expansive open space. <br />Ed Miller, Cal-Coast Development, introduced his staff, Mr. Vitale and Ms. Moritt, <br />and Mr. Ewoldt, who has expertise in hotel development. Mr. Miller stated that he <br />and his team are looking forward to the community involvement and working with the <br />Shoreline CAC to develop a master plan. He has a background in redevelopment <br />and experience in developing joint public and private projects after input and <br />involvement from the community. <br />II. CAC Business <br />A. Establishment of Rules of Decorum. There was discussion to establish rules <br />for the meetings. The recommended rules include the following: <br />• No cell phones; cell phones should be turned off or set on silent during the <br />meetings <br />• One speaker at a time <br />• Start the meetings on time <br />• Respect others speaking and respect their opinions <br />• No side conversations <br />• It is okay to disagree <br />• Comments should be made to and through the chairperson. In general, <br />Robert's Rules will be followed. <br />• Chairperson may set time limits for comments and/or discussions as <br />appropriate <br />B. Sharing of Shoreline Vision. The Shoreline CAC members shared their <br />development ideas, which included the following: <br />• Strong consideration should be given to the shoreline birds and the wetlands <br />