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UPDATE CIN SEPTEMBER'S MARKET VOLATILITY CDNT... <br />January-Fepruary 2pf1$ <br />iutyFAuB+ist 2007 <br />2006.2006 Glnbal cred$ <br />wncerns begin; <br />Housing market Flight to quality; <br />slowdown Liquidity dries up <br />February2007 f <br />20022006 I <br />J I First signs of subprime <br />Housing market mn a rablems <br />boom bubble ~B p <br />appear <br />Aggressive federal Reserve <br />interest rate acts; Etonamrc. <br />data weakening; financal <br />firm lasses wntinue <br />November-pbcember ?.a17 <br />financial firmssuffer large lasses; <br />lsrnminent C605 resign; Mapes far <br />quick resolution fade <br />September 2006 <br />Unprecedented fnancia! <br />turmai, FNMA & fHLMC placed <br />under federal conservatorship; <br />Large flrmsfall; Go~rnment <br />tries to mitigate erlsis <br />MarcFt-April 2Q06 <br />Bear Stearns bLlyn4C; <br />Fed opens dlsaount <br />window <br />The Treasury's Bailout Plan <br />Faced with the possibility of a systemic collapse of the financial system, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve <br />used every tool at their disposal in order to manage the crisis. In addition to essentially nationalizing several large firms <br />and facilitating the takeovers of others, the Federal Reserve provided unprecedented levels of liquidityto the marketplace. <br />The Treasury also formulated a $700 billion plan that will involve the government's purchase of impaired assets from the <br />balance sheets of banks and investment firms, It is hoped that by purchasing these assets the government can restore <br />liquidity to the banks, repair their credit standing, and reinvigorate their willingness to lend to businesses and consumers. <br />The Treasury would hold the impaired assets until their marketvalue improves and then resell them, perhaps even earning <br />a profit. <br />The Treasury's plan received final congressional approval on October 3rd and implementation will begin shortly. While it is <br />unknown how effective the plan will be, many market observers feel that at this point the Treasury's plan provides the best <br />chance for a financial sector recovery and a limitto future damage caused to the broader economy. <br />From Main Street to Wall Streetand Back Again <br />The difficulty on Wall Street began with housing weakness on Main Street. This process has now come full circle as <br />financial market volatility has contributed to a slowdown on Main Street. National economic reports reflect this, and the <br />slowdown is even more evident in certain regions of the country such as the industrial Midwest, Florida, Arizona, Nevada <br />and California. Housing market weakness has been exacerbated by high energy and food prices, a weakening job <br />market, and a difficult credit environment. <br />Forecasts for the remainder of the year call for much slower economic growth, and consumer confidence remains very <br />poor. Since recent economic indicators do notyet reflect the impact of September's financial market events, the potential <br />exists for growth to slow even more than previously predicted. <br />Conclusion <br />The ongoing financial market volatility and economic slowdown have justifiably worried investors, who have never <br />experienced such market volatility and may be unsure how best to proceed in these difficult times. In this climate, it is <br />important to put safety first. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this challenging <br />market environment. <br />Brian Perry, Vice President, Investment Strategist <br />Page 3 <br />®2008. Chandler Asset Management, lnc, A Registered Investment Adviser <br />