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A. Service Suppliers: <br />1. Taxes collected from a telephone subscriber that are not remitted to the <br />Finance Director by the service supplier by the due dates provided in this Chapter or that a <br />service supplier willfully refuses to bill or remit pursuant to Section 2-18-230 are delinquent. <br />2. Penalties for delinquency in remittance of any taxes collected pursuant <br />to Section 2-18-230 shall attach and be paid by the service supplier required to remit at the <br />rate of fifteen percent (15%) of the total taxes collected for which remittance is delinquent. <br />3. The Finance Director shall have power to impose additional penalties <br />upon service suppliers required to collect and remit tax amounts under the provisions of this <br />Chapter for fraud or negligence in reporting or remitting up to one hundred percent (100%) <br />of the amount of the taxes collected or as recomputed by the Finance Director. <br />4. Every penalty imposed under the provisions of this Section shall <br />become a Chapter of the taxes required to be remitted. <br />5. In addition to the penalties imposed in this subsection, any service <br />supplier who willfully refuses to remit any tax imposed by this Chapter, except as provided <br />in Section 2-18-240(C), shall pay interest on the amount of the tax, exclusive of penalties, <br />from the date on which the remittance first became delinquent until payment in full is <br />received by the Finance Director. Interest shall be paid at the rate of one percent (1%) per <br />month or fraction thereof. <br />6. Notwithstanding the foregoing, taxes collected and not timely remitted <br />by service suppliers to the Finance Director in cases of unintentional errors and omissions, or <br />events outside the control of the service supplier, shall not be subject to the interest and <br />penalties of this Chapter if the service supplier provides written notice of such an event to the <br />Finance Director and makes the required remittance as soon as reasonably practical. <br />B. Telephone Subscribers: <br />1. In addition to provisions of Section 2-18-240(C), whenever the Finance <br />Director determines that a telephone subscriber has willfully withheld the amount of the tax <br />owed by him from the amounts remitted to a service supplier or that a telephone subscriber <br />has failed to pay the amount of the tax for a period of four or more billing periods, or <br />whenever the Finance Director deems it is in the best interest of the City, he shall relieve the <br />service supplier of the obligation to collect taxes due under this Chapter from certain named <br />service users for specified billing periods and collect the taxes directly from the telephone <br />subscriber. <br />2. Telephone subscribers who willfully withhold the amount of the tax owed <br />from the amounts remitted to a service supplier or who fail to pay any taxes imposed by this <br />Ordinance to the service supplier within four billing periods shall pay a penalty of fifteen <br />percent (15%) of the amount of taxes owed. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2008-018 11 <br />