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seismically safe and fire retardant facility, including any debt service payments related <br />thereto, as well as any associated administrative overhead costs. <br />M. "Service location" means the premises of a telephone subscriber at which a <br />working service point or primary station set provides the subscriber with basic exchange <br />service and to which extension services are charged. For wireless telephone service, "service <br />location" is the "place of primary use," as such term is defined in the Mobile <br />Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Section 124(8). <br />N. "Service supplier" means any person supplying local telephone service, <br />pursuant to authority granted by the California Public Utilities Commission or the Federal <br />Communications Commission, to any telephone subscriber at a location within the City of <br />San Leandro. Service suppliers may include, without limitation, local exchange carriers, <br />interexchange carriers, competitive access providers, cable television providers offering <br />telecommunications services, providers of wireless telephone service, and any other entity <br />offering direct connections between premises and the premises of telephone subscribers. <br />Service suppliers also include any person supplying local telephone service who is exempt <br />from California Public Utilities Commission or Federal Communications Commission <br />regulation. <br />O. "Telephone corporation" shall have the same meaning as defined in Section <br />234 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California or the most comparable successor <br />definition. It also includes any person or corporation providing wireless telephone service. <br />P. "Telephone subscriber" means any person who receives local telephone <br />service, or its functional equivalent regardless of the technology used to provide the service. <br />Q. "Trunk line" means a line between a service suppliers' switching device and a <br />private branch exchange, automatic call distributing system, or other similar device, at a <br />telephone subscriber location and having a capacity of 7 % times the capacity of a single line. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, "trunk line," does not include any line between a service <br />suppliers' switching device and a private branch exchange, automatic call distributing <br />system, or other similar device, at a telephone subscriber location when for any reason a <br />customer cannot use, or is demonstrated by the customer to the City's satisfaction the <br />customer does not use for purposes of two-way voice telephony, that line to dial the digits 9- <br />1-1 to reach the 911 communication system within the City at an answering point within the <br />City. <br />R. "Wireless telephone service" means commercial mobile radio service, as <br />defined in Section 20.3 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations as this section existed <br />on October 1, 2002. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2008-018 4 <br />