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Failure to comply with the provisions of Appendices A or B is a material breach of this <br />Agreement and may result in withholding of grant funds pending cure of the breach (if cure is <br />permitted by the WMA or otherwise allowed under this Agreement), whole or partial suspension <br />or termination of this Agreement, recovery of funds paid to Grantee under this Agreement, <br />withholding of future grant awards or other legal or equitable remedies provided by law. <br />shall: <br />In addition to the other duties or obligations provided for in this Agreement, Grantee <br />a. Perform Grantee's duties to the best of Grantee's ability and in accordance <br />with the generally accepted professional and ethical standards of Grantee's profession and <br />community. Grantee agrees to perform Grantee's duties at all times in strict accordance with <br />currently approved methods and practices in Grantee's field and in accordance with the <br />standards required by the WMA. All duties shall be performed and rendered in a safe, <br />competent, efficient, timely and satisfactory manner. <br />b. Observe and comply with all general rules and regulations established by the <br />WMA. <br />c. Observe and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes and <br />regulations of governmental agencies, including federal, state, municipal and local governing <br />bodies, including all provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1979 and all <br />amendments thereto, and all applicable federal, state, municipal and local safety regulations. <br />All services performed by Grantee must be in accordance with these laws, ordinances, codes <br />and regulations. <br />3. Distribution of Grant Funds <br />Terms and conditions for the distribution of grant funds from WMA to Grantee are <br />described in Appendix B attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein. <br />4. Independent Contractor <br />No relationship of employer and employee is created by this Agreement. It is <br />understood by Grantee that Grantee is acting and shall act as an independent contractor. In <br />performing the work, services or purchase of property authorized by this Agreement, Grantee at <br />all times shall ensure that its activities shall be performed and rendered in a competent, <br />efficient, timely and satisfactory manner and in accordance with the standards of the WMA and <br />those set forth in Appendix A. <br />Grantee shall also perform said work and services in strict accordance with currently <br />approved methods and practices in Grantee's field and in a manner fully consistent with the <br />objectives of the WMA as set forth in this Agreement. <br />Likewise, no relationship of employer and employee is created by this Agreement <br />between the WMA and any subcontractor or employee of Grantee. <br />5. Benefits and Taxes. <br />Except as set forth in Appendix B, Grantee and any subcontractors or employees of <br />Grantee shall not have any claim under this Agreement or otherwise against WMA for seniority, <br />vacation time, vacation pay, sick leave, personal time off, overtime, health insurance, medical <br />ACWMA Grant Agreement Page 2 of 14 <br />San Leandro Senior Center (COSL Project 210-18-116) <br />