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ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY AND FINDINGS <br />By adopting the proposed Resolution of Necessity, the Council will authorize the filing of <br />an eminent domain action to acquire the property interests necessary to complete the <br />project should negotiations not be successful. <br />The Resolution, with the following findings, must be adopted by a minimum two-thirds vote of <br />the seven member City Council (five affirmative votes required) in accordance with California <br />Code of Civil Procedure Sections 1245.230 and 1245.240. Evidence supporting the adoption of <br />the Resolution is set forth in this report, its attachments, and the oral presentation at the hearing, <br />including the matters noted below: <br />a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project; <br />The Water Pollution Control Plant is necessary for the treatment of sewage, to meet the demands <br />of regulatory agencies concerning said treatment, and to provide for the health of the public. The <br />proposed project is consistent with the General Plan Goal 52: Ensure that local water, sewer, <br />storm drainage, and solid waste facilities are well maintained; improvements meet existing and <br />future needs; and land use decisions are contingent on the adequacy and maintenance of such <br />facilities and Action 52.05: Maintain adequate capacity at the San Leandro wastewater <br />treatment plant to accommodate projected levels of growth within the service area and encourage <br />the Oro Lorna Sanitary District to do the same; support efforts to maintain and/or improve the <br />high quality of treated effluent at both plants; and increase the feasibility and cost-effectiveness <br />of using reclaimed wastewater for non-potable purposes. With the increase in population and <br />demand for water, and to meet current and future State and Federal requirements, the expansion <br />must occur at this time. <br />b. The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most <br />compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; <br />The Water Pollution Control Plant expansion is necessary to provide additional space for new <br />equipment so the plant can continue to meet both current demand and future regulatory <br />requirements. The site is fully built out and too small to allow for the required equipment. There <br />is no other property which can accommodate this project/equipment, and the location of existing <br />piping and structures at the plant limits the way additions to the facility can be made. The subject <br />property is planned for a new headworks facility. The headworks is the facility by which all <br />incoming untreated sewage enters the treatment plant for processing. The existing headworks is <br />located adjacent to Davis Street at the property line adjacent to the subject property. Since the <br />facility must operate at all times, it cannot be shut down, demolished and then replaced. <br />Therefore, the subject property is the only location adjacent to Davis Street that will allow for a <br />new headworks facility that can connect to the existing incoming sewer lines. <br />The property described in the respective Resolution of Necessity is necessary for <br />the proposed project; and <br />