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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO.2009- <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AND ENDORSING ALAMEDA COUNTY'S PARTICIPATION <br />IN THE 2010 CAMPAIGN FOR ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION <br />WHEREAS, Alameda County's Countywide Bicycle Plan and Countywide Strategic <br />Pedestrian Plan include the following goals that support active transportation: <br />• Increase the number and percentage of walking trips with the intention of <br />reducing motor vehicle use, preserving air quality and improving public health. <br />• Improve pedestrian safety, especially for the young, elderly and disabled. <br />• Ensure that essential pedestrian destinations throughout Alameda County - <br />particularly public transit -have direct, safe and convenient pedestrian access. <br />• Complete the San Francisco Bay Trail and paved inter jurisdictional East Bay <br />Regional Park District trail systems that serve populated areas in Alameda <br />County. <br />• Maximize the amount of funding for pedestrian projects, programs and plans in <br />Alameda County, with an emphasis on implementation, <br />• Create and maintain an inter-county and intra-county bicycle network that is safe, <br />convenient and continuous. <br />• Increase the potential for bicycle transportation by closing gaps in existing <br />bikeways. <br />• Encourage policies and actions that foster bicycling as a mode of travel, and; <br />WHEREAS, nearly half of all trips for personal transportation in the United States are <br />three miles or less in length, and thirty percent of all trips in the San Francisco Bay Area are one <br />mile or less, making biking and walking a healthy alternative for a significant portion of daily <br />trips; and <br />WHEREAS, bicyclists and pedestrians represent 9% of all personal trips nationwide <br />(I4% in Alameda County), and 14% of all traffic fatalities in the United States (almost 25% in <br />Alameda County), yet receive less than 1% of all federal road spending; and <br />WHEREAS, the above disparity indicates an opportunity to produce a substantial shift to <br />these healthy, non-motorized transportation modes; and <br />WHEREAS, federal legislation, SAFETEA-LU, in 2005 created the Non-motorized <br />Transportation Pilot Program for the construction of a network ofnon-motorized transportation <br />infrastructure facilities in four urban communities to demonstrate the extent to which bicycling <br />and walking can carry a significant part of the transportation load and play a major role in <br />transportation solutions; and <br />WHEREAS, the four communities were selected to each receive grants of $25 million <br />over four years to participate in the Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program; and <br />