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MEi~iO~AI'+II)UM (II' ~r~IT~E~STAI~d~i~d~~ <br />~~;T~~~~ <br />~~~'~ ®~ sAr~ L~A1~~RO <br />A~~ <br />SA1°+1 I,EA~d~~~ CI'I'~' >EMPL®~'E+ I+ S' ASS~CIAq'I~1`~, L®Ct~L 21 II'P'I'E, AFL-CI(~ <br />This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into pursuant to the provisions of Section 3500, et. <br />seq. of the Government Code of the State of California. <br />The parties have met and conferred in good faith regarding wages, hours and other terms and <br />conditions of employment for the employees in said representation unit, and have freely <br />exchanged information, opinions and proposals and have endeavored to reach agreements on all <br />matters relating to the employment conditions and employer-employee relations of such <br />employees. <br />This Memorandum of Understanding shall be presented to the San Leandro City Council as the <br />joint recommendation of the undersigned parties for salary and employee benefit adjustments for <br />the period commencing January 1, 2009 2~9F through December 31, 2009~90g. <br />Section 1. Recognition <br />1.1 Union Reco ition <br />San Leandro City Employees' Association, Local 21 IFPTE, AFL-CIO hereinafter referred to <br />as the "Union," is the recognized employee organization for the classifications shown in <br />Appendix "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />In the event the City should develop a new classification, the City shall notify the Union of <br />the development of said new classification and the City's tentative determination as to the <br />unit placement of said classification. Upon request from the Union within ten (10) working <br />days from the City's notice, the City shall consult with the Union concerning the unit <br />placement of the new classification. <br />In the event said classification is determined to be in this unit, the City and Union shall meet <br />and confer regarding the salary range. Such salary range shall be subject to approval by the <br />City Council. <br />1.2 City Reco ition <br />The City Manager, or any person or organization duly authorized by the City Manager, is the <br />representative of the City of San Leandro, hereinafter referred to as the "City" in employer- <br />employee relations. <br />Section 2. Union Security <br />2.1 Dues Deduction <br />A. The City agrees to deduct, in two equal deductions per month, dues for employees in <br />the Unit and such other deduction as approved by the Union Executive Board and <br />1 <br />