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MIlVUTES Page 8 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~Tanuary 5, 2009 <br />upcoming City Council and San Leandro Unified School District Board joint work session on <br />February 9. She suggested that a discussion on the San Leandro Crossings project and on the <br />City and District budgets be placed on the meeting agenda. <br />Councilmember Starosciak requested that tonight's meeting be adjourned in the memory of <br />Bazbaza Tierney, a longtime resident of Floresta Gazdens; and Leander Conboy, who was <br />named after San Leandro, and who was a CYO basketball referee until age 75. <br />Councilmember Starosciak commented that she saw a "Happiness is living in San Leandro" <br />license plate frame on a truck recently. <br />Councilmember Prola welcomed Councilmember Reed. He commented on a possible <br />commitment that was made to the Davis Street Family Resource Center to assist in <br />purchasing its building, and he asked if the City could look into the possibility. <br />Councilmember Prola expressed support for Instant Runoff Voting, commenting that it would <br />produce a majority winner while holding only one election. Mr. Hollister indicated that the <br />Davis Street FRC item can be placed on a future Finance Committee agenda. <br />Vice Mayor Stephens welcomed Councilmember Reed. He suggested that staff send a letter <br />to the San Leandro School District, soliciting the following information: the capacity of each <br />of the schools in the District; current enrollment; generation rate; five-year enrollment <br />projection for the District; what the current District facility plans are to accommodate the <br />enrollment growth; number ofinter-district students enrolled in SLUSD; and a letter from the <br />District on their view of Transit Oriented Development, and particularly on the current project <br />under assessment. He stated that he felt it would be beneficial to the Council to have this <br />information in order to make an informed decision. Vice Mayor Stephens confessed that he is <br />a "rooster phobe," and looked forward to the chicken discussion. <br />Councilmember Souza commented on the chickens in her neighborhood, and stated that she <br />looked forwazd to the Council's discussion on the subject. Councilmember Souza <br />congratulated new Interim Police Chief Ian Willis, welcomed Councilmember Reed, and <br />wished everyone a Happy New Yeaz. <br />Councilmember Gregory wished Mayor Santos a happy birthday, and welcomed <br />Councilmember Reed. He invited speaker Scott Terry to a future San Leandro Breakfast Club <br />meeting, and commented that he would like to have a future Council discussion on chickens <br />and bees. Councilmember Gregory announced that the new San Leandro Education <br />Foundation, which was formed to address the needs of our public schools, is meeting on <br />Monday, January 12, at 7 p.m. He also announced that the Alameda County Transportation <br />Improvement Authority (ACTIA) is hosting a transportation forum at Saint Leander's Church <br />on Thursday, January 15. Councilmember Gregory stated that he looked forward to an <br />interesting year on the Council. <br />Mayor Santos shared some stories about raising chickens, and he noted the many complaints <br />he has received from residents about roosters. He participated in the Governor's conference <br />call on the state budget today. Mayor Santos announced that tonight's meeting would be <br />adjourned in memory of Leander Edward Conboy; Bazbaza Tierney; Victoria Polvorosa Perry, <br />who was 97 yeazs old; Raymond Jannson, who served the San Leandro Fire Department for <br />