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RDA Reso 2004-005
City Clerk
City Council
RDA Reso 2004-005
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Last modified
1/26/2009 1:15:52 PM
Creation date
1/26/2009 1:15:49 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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and lien upon all of the moneys in the Debt Service Fund, the Interest Account, the Principal <br />Account, the Sinking Account and the Redemption Account without preference or priority for <br />series, issue, number, dated date, sale date, date of execution or date of delivery. Except for <br />the Tax Revenues and such moneys, no funds or properties of the Agency shall be pledged to, or <br />otherwise liable for, the payment of principal of or interest or redemption premium (if any) on <br />the Bonds. See "APPENDIX C -Summary of Certain Provisions of the Indenture". <br />"Tax Revenues" is defined in the Indenture to mean all taxes annually allocated within <br />the Plan Limit, following the Closing Date with respect to the Bonds, and paid to the Agency <br />with respect to the Project Area pursuant to Article 6 of Chapter 6 (commencing with Section <br />33670) of the Law and Section 16 of Article XVI of the Constitution of the State, or pursuant to <br />other applicable State laws, and as provided in the Redevelopment Plan, and all payments, <br />subventions and reimbursements, if any, to the Agency specifically attributable to ad valorem <br />taxes lost by reason of tax exemptions and tax rate limitations; but excluding all other amounts <br />of such taxes (if any) (i) required to be deposited into the Low and Moderate Income Housing <br />Fund of the Agency pursuant to Section 33334.2 of the Law for increasing and improving the <br />supply of Iow and moderate income housing, (ii) amounts payable by the State to the Agency <br />under and pursuant to Chapter 1.5 of Part 1 of Division 4 of Title 2 (commencing with Section <br />16110) of the California Government Code, and (iii) amounts payable by the Agency pursuant <br />to Sections 33607.5 and 33607.7 of the Law, except and to the extent that any amounts so <br />payable are payable on a basis subordinate to the payment of debt service on the Bonds, <br />including any Parity Debt. <br />The Agency's receipt of Tax Revenues is subject to certain limitations (the "Plan Limit") <br />contained in the Redevelopment Plan as required pursuant to the Redevelopment Law. The <br />Project Area was established after the effective date of AB1290 (described below) and as such, <br />the Redevelopment Plan does not contain a "cap" or dollar limit, on the amount of tax <br />increment that can be collected under the plan. Instead, the Redevelopment Plan contains a <br />statutory time limit on the receipt of tax increment and repayment of indebtedness of 45 years <br />after the date of plan adoption. This limit was extended by one year to July 19, 2045 as a <br />result of astate-mandated payment to the ERAF fund. The Agency's Redevelopment Plan <br />includes a limitation of $750 million on the amount of indebtedness that may be outstanding at <br />any time. Redevelopment activity can occur for thirty years, until July 19, 2029. See "THE <br />AGENCY AND THE PROJECT AREA -Limitations on Tax Revenues." <br />The Agency has no power to levy and collect property taxes, and any property tax <br />limitation, legislative measure, voter initiative or provisions of additional sources of income to <br />taxing agencies having the effect of reducing the property tax rate, could reduce the amount of <br />Tax Revenues that would otherwise be available to pay debt service on the Bonds and, <br />consequently, the principal of, and interest on, the Bonds. Likewise, broadened property tax <br />exemptions could have a similar effect. See "RISK FACTORS" and "LIMITATIONS ON TAX <br />REVENUES AND POSSIBLE SPENDING LIMITATIONS" herein. <br />THE BONDS ARE NOT A DEBT, LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION OF THE STATE OF <br />CALIFORNIA, THE CITY OR ANY OF ITS POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS, AND NEITHER THE <br />STATE, THE CITY NOR ANY OF ITS POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS (OTHER THAN THE <br />AGENCY) IS LIABLE THEREON. THE AGENCY HAS NO TAXING POWER. THE BONDS <br />ARE REVENUE BONDS, PAYABLE EXCLUSIVELY FROM THE TAX REVENUES AND <br />OTHER FUNDS AS PROVIDED IN THE INDENTURE. THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE <br />AGENCY UNDER THE BOND5 ARE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM TAX REVENUES <br />ALLOCATED TO THE AGENCY FROM THE PROJECT AREA. <br />In consideration of the acceptance of the Bonds by those who shall hold the same from <br />time to time, the Indenture constitutes a contract between the Agency and the Owners from time <br />to time of the Bonds, and the covenants and agreements set forth therein to be performed on <br />-9- <br />
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