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33433 Report Page 3 of 5 <br />1040 Davis SU-eet DDA May 2004 <br />documents following the approval of the DDA. Escrow fees will be shared with the buyer and <br />taken out of the net proceeds in escrow. <br />The City of San Leandro will also be repaid for its interest in 1016 and 1040 Davis, pursuant to <br />the previously adopted agreement following close of escrow. The Agency's net proceeds will be <br />the remaining balance following repayment of the appraised value of the City parcels. <br />ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE INTEREST DETERMINED AT HIGHEST AND BEST <br />USE <br />The four properties are discussed as one unit ("Property"), containing approximately 20,000 <br />square feet, throughout this report. The Property was appraised in August 2003 at a value of <br />$396,000 for multifamily housing as the highest and best use for development permitted by the <br />Zoning Code, in the opinion of the appraiser. <br />The zoning on the Property varies by parcel. The fire station and driveway, two separate parcels, <br />are zoned RM (multi-family residential), like the high-density apartment buildings directly east <br />and north of the property. The two vacant unimproved parcels are zoned CN (Neighborhood <br />Commercial), like much of the rest of the Davis Street frontage. <br />Multifamily is allowed in CN with a conditional use permit, the cost of obtaining which was not <br />considered in the appraised value. Multifamily is allowed in ROR (Residential-Office-Retail), <br />the Plaza Redevelopment Plan's land use designation for the site. In many parts of Davis Street, <br />including this Property, the Zoning Code, General Plan, and Redevelopment Plan land use are <br />slightly misaligned, affecting the development potential of many properties by increasing the <br />cast of development. Bringing the various plans into conformity with each other is a long-term <br />project of the Community Development Department. <br />ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE INTEREST DETERMINED BY USE REQUIRED BY <br />SALE ~_~. <br />Because of the awkward configuration of the Property, its small size, and its adjacency to a small <br />residential street with one to two story single-family homes, multifamily residential is not a <br />feasible development option. This was the interdepartmental staff consensus and was verified by <br />the market - no multifamily developments were proposed as a result of the RFP conducted for <br />the property in 2003. <br />Most Suitable for Office Development <br />Office uses are also consistent with ROR redevelopment plan designation, and a more <br />appropriate use under the General Plan's recommendation of neighborhood-scaled commercial <br />uses for the Property, and the design guidelines of the Urban Design Plan for the Davis Street <br />Corridor (Urban Design Plan), adopted in 1991. However, because of proximity to single- <br />family homes on Dabner Street, the development should not exceed two stories or 30 feet, which <br />caps development potential. The site's value and re-use potential is also affected by its location <br />