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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: July 8, 2004 <br />TO: Finance Committee <br />FROM: Jesse Baloca, Finance Director <br />BY: Mary Mc Carthy, Deputy Finance Director <br />Christine Galvin, Senior Accountant <br />SUBJECT: Recommended Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Year-End Budget Adjustments <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />As part of the City's year end process, staff recommends Finance Committee approval of budget <br />amendments totaling $7.3 million for activities previously approved for fiscal year 2003-04. $5.2 <br />million of the proposed adjustments are to be funded from new revenues and $2.1 million are to be <br />fixnded from fund balances and/or retained earnings. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Attached for your review and approval are the following: <br />Schedule A: This schedule gives a summary of recommended year-end adjustments to fiscal year <br />2003-04 expenditure appropriations and the amounts of these expenditures that are to be funded <br />from new revenues and transfers of fund balance and retained earnings. <br />Schedule B: This schedule provides detail of the $7.3 recommended expenditure adjustments and <br />their specific funding sources. <br />Schedule C: This schedule provides a detailed listing of fund balance and retained earnings funding <br />sources for the recommended year-end budget adjustments. <br />G:~FINCOMM~2003-04 Final Budget Adjustments <br />