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Economic Deveiapment Programs: <br />Co-fund the West Estudillo Pedestrian Enhancements to strengthen the <br />pedestrian corridor between the downtown BART station and the downtown core <br />shopping and business district. Many employees and customers pass through this area <br />daily, and streetscape improvements, enhanced bus Stops, and undergrounding the <br />utilities will encourage transit use and promote downtown businesses. <br />• Assist with land assembly and design in order to redevelop the Hays Block, in a <br />project referred to as Town Hall Square. The underutilized block bounded by Hays, <br />Davis, and East 14th Street in the downtown core is suitable for mixed-use. Currently <br />dominated by surface lots, redevelopment of the site would link the downtown shopping <br />area to the Civic Center. In 2004, the Agency acquired the smallest parcel on the block <br />and "land-banked" it. Further property acquisition and predevelopment studies are <br />underway. <br />Implement the Central San Leandro/BART Area Revitalization Strategy, which <br />among other things calls for the redesign and upgrading of the Downtown BART <br />Station and the development of underutilized property in the immediate vicinity, such as <br />the Westlake site (see below). <br />• Facilitate the development of the Westlake Property into a mixed use project <br />with a significant office component. This vacant site adjacent to the downtown BART <br />station has employment and housing potential. <br />• Expand and seismically retrofit the two-level Estudillo-Callan Parking Garage <br />downtown to provide increased parking for downtown businesses and customers. <br />Develop Agency-owned inf;ll property on Davis Street into appropriate uses. <br />The Agency-awned former fire station will become an office complex for adeveloper- <br />user, and a vacant lot acquired by the Agency could also be a good office or housing site. <br />Assist completion of Building B (the third and final building) at Creekside Plaza. <br />Assist private renovation of commercial structures through the Commercial <br />Rehabilitation Loan Program. <br />Public Improvements Objective: Upgrade the appearance of the Project Area visible to the <br />public, so that it will be more inviting to consumers and residents, stimulating increased sales <br />and private investment in the area. <br />Public Improvements Programs: The Agency has committed resources to capital <br />improvement projects of public benefit. The highest priority is expected to be given to <br />completing the following projects, which already have funding allocated to them from the 2002 <br />TABS issued in the prior Implementation Plan period: <br />2004-2009 Implementation Plan <br />Page 5 <br />