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• Total combined project cost, including design and utility relocation costs, is approximately <br />$2,600,000 <br />• ACTIA reimbursable amount of $1,335,000 <br />• By agreement, Greenhouse Marketplace owners will contribute approximately $225,000 to <br />fund improvements to the Fargo Avenue entrance to its shopping center <br />• Traffic impact fees from Bayfair Center generated $543,845.83 in additional funding for the <br />I-880JWashington Avenue Interchange Improvements project <br />• Caltrans, through the Federal Surface Transportation Program, will provide $491,000 in <br />federal funding for the Washington Avenue Overlay project <br />• Measure B matching funds in the amount of $64,000 for the Washington Avenue Overlay <br />project <br />• $450,000 of General Funds, $447,524.17 of which will be reimbursed to the City when <br />Bayfair Center is expanded further (In the interim, the Joint Redevelopment Project Area will <br />accelerate payment of $500,000 of the $3,200,000 loan to the Agency by the General Fund) <br />Budget Authority <br />• $1,335,000 in Measure B funds for the I-880/Washington Avenue Interchange Improvements <br />project approved as part of Fiscal Year 2002-03 CIP budget on March 17, 2003 by <br />Resolution No. 2003-081, Account No. 144-39-007 <br />• $64,000 in Measure B funds (Account No. 144-38-274) and $491,000 in Federal STP Grant <br />Funds (Account No. 150-38-274 approved as part of Fiscal Year 2006-07 CIP budget on <br />June 19, 2006 by Resolution No. 2006-059) for the Washington Avenue Overlay project <br />• $225,000 in developer fees from Greenhouse Marketplace, Account No. 210-39-007 <br />• $543,845.83 from the Traffic Mitigation Fund deposited in 2004 by Kohl's that will be <br />appropriated by this action <br />• $450,000 in General funds, which will be reimbursed by the owner of Bayfair Center when <br />payment is triggered by expansion activities, Account No. 210-38-274 <br />Attachments <br />None <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends award of contract to the low bidder, Bay Cities Paving and Grading, Inc., in <br />the amount of $1,658,748 and appropriation of $543,845.83 in Traffic Mitigation Funds. <br />K:AAA-C\COUNCIL~2009~2 FEB 02Wward-Bay Cities ACTIA 11 MEM.doc <br />