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8H Consent 2009 0202
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2009 0202
8H Consent 2009 0202
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Last modified
6/5/2019 9:27:18 AM
Creation date
1/30/2009 8:28:05 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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by District shall be operated and parked in such a manner that Park trails and pathways <br />are kept clear and safe for use by the public. <br />11. Maintenance Responsibilities: <br />City shall be responsible for the maintenance of Bridge Improvements and any attached <br />pipelines that City or City's third party permittees install on the Bridge, including <br />promptly repairing vand alism, and promptly removing graffiti, as well as rep airs to <br />pipeline leaks and illegal dumping, at City's sole expense. District shall report illegal <br />dumping, vandalism and graffiti to City. <br />12. Maintenance Notification: <br />To report maintenance or operations concerns under this Agreement, City must contact <br />District's Park Supervisor at (510) 562-1373 a nd by e-mail at mlkin <br />District must contact City's Park Maintenance Supervisor by telephone at (510) 577- <br />3440. District and City staff shall meet at least once annually to discuss maintenance and <br />operations issues and concerns, and to exchange updated contact information. <br />13. Operations and Maintenance: <br />City shall operate and maintain the Bridge Improvements as detailed in this Agreement to <br />ensure the continuous operation and maintenance of the Bridge in a clean, safe and <br />presentable condition, free from litter, graffiti, damage, vandalism, hazards and disrepair <br />resulting from public access to the Bridge and left by parties other than District and its <br />permittees. <br />14. Ownership and Removal of Improvements: <br />During the term of this Agreement, all permitted Improvements constructed on the Park <br />by City shall be and remain the property of City. In the event that City routinely fails to <br />perform its agreed upon maintenance functions in order to remain in compliance with the <br />standards dictated by this Agreement, District reserves the right to require City, at City's <br />sole expense, to modify or remove specified elements of the Bridge remaining in <br />disrepair. <br />Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, the Improvements shall: (i) <br />become the property of the District, at no cost to either the District, or (ii) at District's <br />request, be removed, wholly or in part, at City's sole expense. <br />Slough Bridge <br />1-21-09 <br />
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