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several other regional planning documents, such as the Metropolitan Transportation <br />Commission's (MTC) Regional Bicycle Plan and EBRPD's Master Plan. <br />Analysis <br />Funding for this project is assembled from various sources including federal, state and local <br />grants, EBRPD funds and a portion of the City's Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Fund. The <br />Program Supplement Agreement will secure the federal funding. <br />The project is located on three parcels. Each parcel is owned separately by the Port of Oakland, <br />EBRPD and the City. The project includes a 300 -foot bridge that will span the San Leandro <br />Slough and a connecting trail segment of approximately 600 feet to the north of the bridge on <br />Port property. By previous agreement with the Port, the City will construct all of the <br />improvements, including the connecting trail, on Port property. The Port will then take <br />ownership and maintenance responsibility for the improvements on its property. The southern <br />edge of the bridge sits on EBRPD land. EBRPD will provide the City with a suitable easement <br />and land tenure over EBRPD property to allow for future maintenance and operation of the San <br />Leandro Slough Bridge by the City. <br />The Maintenance and Operations Agreement between the EBRPD and the City provides for the <br />following key items for the life of the bridge: <br />• Suspension or Limitation of Use — To provide for public safety, special events or <br />maintenance work <br />• Indemnification and insurance requirements <br />• Approval and inspection of work <br />• Davis Street Development — Indicates City's willingness to cooperate with EBRPD to <br />improve the Davis Street entrance to the Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline <br />• Maintenance Responsibilities — Clearly defines the responsibility of the City <br />• EBRPD commitment to fund a share of construction cost up to $164,000 <br />Current City Council Policy <br />• Coordinate with EBRPD to pursue funding and completion of the Bay Trail project <br />(Resolution No. 2003-250) <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• On November 3,'2003, by Resolution No. 2003-222, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to apply for an Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTIA) Measure B <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Countywide Discretionary Grant for the Bay Trail Slough Bridge in <br />the amount of $600,000 <br />• On February 4, 2004, by Resolution No. 2004-021, the City Council approved a grant <br />agreement with ABAG to provide design services for the subject project <br />