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RAC Outreach and Selection Process <br />In order to select a diverse group of stakeholders to represent the Redevelopment Project Areas, the <br />City will solicit applications. Outreach efforts will include a letter to all business and property <br />owners within the Redevelopment Project Areas, and residents living within 500 feet of the Project <br />Areas. A draft of the letter and application is attached for your review and information. <br />In addition, press releases to the Daily Review and San Leandro Times, notice on the City's website, <br />notices to homeowners associations and business associations in or near a redevelopment project <br />area, and outreach to individuals suggested by City Council members will occur. Applications will <br />also be sent to the former members of the WSL and Joint RACs. <br />Consistent with the Rules and Communications Committee and City Council discussion, the <br />selection process proposed is as follows: <br />1. Interested applicants will be screened by Agency staff and the Mayor; <br />2. The Mayor's recommendation will be brought to the Business and Housing Development <br />Committee; <br />3. The Committee recommendation will be forwarded to the Redevelopment Agency for <br />ratification. <br />Staff anticipates starting public outreach towards the end of January 2009 with a goal of having RAC <br />membership ratified by June 15, 2009. <br />Proposed Timeline <br />Date Action <br />January 8 Business and Housing Development Committee reviews Draft RAC's <br />mission statement and selection process <br />Week of January 26 Letters mailed to property and business owners and residents in the <br />Redevelopment Project Areas and housing professionals and advocates <br />March 2 Applications due <br />By May 7 Applications screened by Agency staff and the Mayor <br />May 14 Recommendation from Mayor to the Business and Housing Development <br />Committee <br />June 15 Committee recommendation to the Redevelopment Agency for ratification <br />CONCLUSION <br />A new RAC will provide the Agency with the valuable input regarding large development projects, <br />programs, policies and priorities in the Redevelopment Areas, and redevelopment planning <br />documents and assist the City in its efforts to eliminate blight. Staff requests feedback and <br />recommends the Business and Housing Development approve the mission statement and proposed <br />process and timeline for creation of the new RAC. <br />\\CH-FPO1\Dept$\CM\DEP'IIOBD\Files RDA\RAC\Process Rpt BD&H 1-8-09.doc <br />