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CitySLUSD Liaison Highlights 2009 0115
City Clerk
City Council
City & SLUSD Liaison Committee
CitySLUSD Liaison Highlights 2009 0115
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Last modified
1/30/2009 1:26:37 PM
Creation date
1/30/2009 8:33:13 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2009 0202
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Board Member Mack-Rose suggested a local area educational plan; being aware of diversity, <br />income, enrollment and overall demographic issues would help to plan for the future. She is <br />looking at opportunities and challenges; recognizes the past and wants to work together for a <br />strong future; she thanked staff for the speed/lighting around the schools. <br />Council Member Gregory talked about Shape Up San Leandro and the Safe Routes to School <br />pilot programs; he said there are some grant opportunities for recess programs. <br />Council Member Reed stated that the relationship between the school district and the City is very <br />important and looks to the future to change the perception of partnership and communication. <br />She is very interested in joint use projects and that neighborhoods benefit from school projects; <br />they should also consider the senior population and they could also benefit. <br />Chair Katz-Lacabe mentioned that there are four new school board members and that change is <br />very exciting; it is a different board than in the past and looks forward to learning from the past <br />and establishing a new relationship in the future. <br />Mayor Santos commented on May 14~` as Bike to Work Day; his concept of moving the district <br />administration building thereby bringing Madison School back to help the district; he <br />commented on the desire for undergrounding at Muir and Wilson Schools; he stated that the <br />Shape Up San Leandro does not yet have formal approval by the Council. <br />7. Public Comments <br />Stephen Cassidy, former school board member, commented on the importance of the City's <br />contribution to the 9th Grade Academy; that the school district is not responsible for the ERAF <br />reductions; he stated his concern over ongoing costs associated with running the new Academy; <br />they should look to revenue measures for the future. <br />District staff member asked that the fuel/vehicle issue to be brought back for discussion. <br />Bob Leigh, Washington HOA, commented on the 28% of San Leandro students attending <br />SLzUSD so he supports ongoing discussions with Dr. Byas for joint use projects; the <br />Washington HOA is willing to help with fundraisers; he asked that the Manor area residents be <br />included in the discussions. <br />8. Adjournment <br />There being no further business, Mayor Santos adjourned the meeting at 5:28 p.m. <br />
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