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Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking to Council for approval. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Mid-Year Performance Report for Period Ending December 31, <br />2008 <br />Sr. Accountant Galvin provided a summary and explanation of the General Fund for the period <br />ending December 31, 2008. As stated previously in the Update of General Fund Revenue and <br />Expenditures, the deficit has grown to $7.5 million. All other Major Revenue Funds, e.g. <br />Enterprise Funds and CIP Funds are in line as budgeted. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Davis Street Family Resource Center Building Project <br />Hollister stated that Gordon Galvan and Rose Padilla of Davis Street Family Resource Center <br />(DSFRC) would like the opportunity to again speak to the Committee regarding assistance with <br />the purchase of the building located 3081 Teagarden Street in San Leandro. Hollister provided <br />the Committee with a copy of the information previously provided in October 2008. Galvan <br />reminded the Committee that the County has made a commitment of $SOOk towards the purchase <br />of the building and they are again requesting the City's commitment of $1.5 million. Mayor <br />Santos reminded the Committee that in October 2008, it was suggested that the City could <br />commit approx. $SOOk of CDBG funds but advised Galvan and Rose Padilla to return to the <br />County to request more assistance. The Mayor stated that at this time, it was fiscally impossible <br />for the City to commit to anymore money. Galvan requested a meeting with the City Manager <br />and Finance Director to perhaps brainstorm any ideas on where more funding can be found. <br />Councilmember Gregory expressed the desire to assist DSFRC however recognized that DSFRC <br />may need to find other funding and perhaps the City could match. Councilmember Prola <br />suggested having staff and DSFRC meet to discuss other possible funding assistance. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking to Council for approval the commitment of $SOOk of CDBG <br />funds to Davis Street Family Resource Center towards the purchase of the building located at <br />3081 Teagarden Street, San Leandro. <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Gregory thanked staff for all the service they have provided. <br />Mayor Santos expressed his desire in constructing a Dog Park and believes that one can be built <br />with $SOk. He recommended this be researched. <br />7. Public Comments <br />None <br />8. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:47p.m. <br />3 <br />