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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO Schedule B <br />FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 <br />RECOMMENDED YEAR-END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS <br />Amount <br />EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FUND <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Additional funding for fuel purchases and additional vehicle repairs. $ (132,785) <br />Total Increase in Expenditures and <br />Decrease to Projected Ending Fund Balance $ (132,785) <br />SPECIAL GRANTS FUND <br />Revenue Budget Adjustments: <br />HUD Grant approved for the E14th St. Streetscape Project. $ 346,000 <br />CLS Funding for Baby Boomer Focus Group (Library). 1,000 <br />Funding from Kaiser Hospital for Community Health Programs. 10,000 <br />Total Increase in Revenues $ 357,000 <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Purchase of Automatic Plate Reader with Federal Grant Funds. $ (27,000) <br />Purchase of Intime Scheduling Software with Federal Grant Funds. (10,500) <br />Fund a portion of the PIPS Technology with Federal Grant Funds. (541) <br />Fund Speedshift Training with Federal Grant Funds. (6,000) <br />HUD Grant approved for the E14th St. Streetscape Project. (346,000) <br />CLS Funding for Baby Boomer Focus Group (Library). (1,000) <br />Community Health Programs funded by Kaiser Hospital. (10,000) <br />Purchase of color printer for the Investigation Division from Federal Grant Funds. (1,300) <br />Purchase of Monitors of the Communications Center from Federal Grant Funds. (6,000) <br />Reimburse mileage for Police Recruits from Federal Grant Funds. (6,000) <br />Purchase Stalker II Stationary Radar with Federal Grant Funds. (9,053) <br />Purchase of various equipment, training and supplies with Federal Grant Funds. (29,000) <br />Completion of the Washington Manor Pool project. 62,679 <br /> <br />Total Increase in Expenditures $ (389,715) <br /> <br /> <br />Total Decrease to Projected Ending Fund Balance $ (32,715) <br />Page 4 <br />