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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2009 - <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF TAX INCREMENT FUNDS <br />FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES, AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXECUTION OF A JOINT USE AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED <br />SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR USE OF A GYMNASIUM, AND ADOPTING FINDINGS <br />REQUIRED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTIONS 33445 AND 33679 <br />WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro (the "Agency") has <br />proposed the expenditure of up to Two Million One Hundred Seventy Thousand Eight Hundred <br />Dollars ($2,170,800) in tax increment funds for the construction of a new gymnasium and related <br />public improvements (the "Project") by the San Leandro Unified School District (the "District") <br />within the Alameda County-City of San Leandro Joint Redevelopment Project Area (the <br />"Project Area") pursuant to a Financing Agreement by and between the Agency and the District <br />(the "Financing Agreement"); and <br />WHEREAS, in consideration for the funding provided by the Agency, the City of San <br />Leandro ("City") and the District propose to enter into an agreement (the "Joint Use <br />Agreement") pursuant to which the City and the public will be entitled to use the gymnasium to <br />be constructed as part of the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 33445 provides that a redevelopment <br />agency may, with the consent of the legislative body, pay all or a portion of the cost of <br />construction of any building, facility, structure or other improvements that is publicly awned <br />either within or without the project area if it determines all of the following: <br />a. The buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements are of benefit to the <br />redevelopment project area or the immediately surrounding neighborhood; and <br />b. No other reasonable means of fmancing the buildings, facilities or improvements <br />are available to the community; and <br />c. The payment of funds for the cost of buildings, facilities or other improvements <br />will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the project area; and <br />d. The project is consistent with the Five Year Implementation Plan adopted by the <br />Agency pursuant to Section 33490; and <br />WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 33679 requires that before a <br />redevelopment agency commits tax increment funds to pay for all or part of the cost of <br />construction of a publicly owned building (i) the legislative body must hold a public hearing, for <br />which notice has been published for at least two successive weeks, and (ii) a summary <br />