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addressing the estimated amount of tax increment funds required, the redevelopment purpose for <br />the expenditure, and the facts supporting the findings required by Health and Safety Code <br />Section 33445 must be made available to the public prior to or concurrent with the first <br />publication of the notice; and <br />WHEREAS, a summary consistent with the requirements of Health and Safety Code <br />Section 33679 (the "Report") was made available to the public, and a properly noticed public <br />hearing pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33679 was held on February 9, 2009; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project will eliminate a blighted condition by replacing an underutilized <br />2.68 acre site that was used for vehicle storage with a new school gymnasium and related public <br />infrastructure improvements including the construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project will be of benefit to the Project Area and the immediately <br />surrounding area by providing increased recreational opportunities for residents, relieving <br />congestion in the City's existing public schools, bringing students and their families to the area <br />with a resulting projected increase in retail sales, and complementing other public facilities, <br />including the San Leandro High School Performing Arts Center and the Senior Community <br />Center; and <br />WHEREAS, the expenditure of tax increment funds for the Project is consistent with the <br />Implementation Plan adopted by the Agency pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33490, <br />in that it furthers the goals and objectives of the East 14a' Street South Area Plan and upgrades <br />the appearance of the Project Area; and <br />WHEREAS, City staff has explored potential funding sources and has determined that <br />there is no other source of funds reasonably available to the City to contribute toward the Project, <br />other than City general fund revenues which are committed for the provision of essential services <br />such as police and fire services. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby: <br />1. Adopts the above Recitals as true, correct, and its findings; <br />2. Finds and determines that, based upon the foregoing Recitals and the information <br />provided in the Report and the staff report accompanying this Resolution: (i) the expenditure of <br />tax increment funds for the Project will be of benefit to the Project Area and the immediately <br />surrounding area; (ii) no other reasonable means of financing the Project is reasonably available <br />to the City, the District, or the Agency; (iii) completion of the Project will assist in the <br />elimination of a blighting condition in the Project Area; and (iv) completion of the Project is <br />consistent with the Agency's Implementation Plan adopted for the Project Area. <br />3. Consents to the Agency's expenditure of up to $2,170,800 of tax increment funds <br />for the Project and to the provision of in-kind contributions as set forth in the Financing <br />Agreement. <br />2 <br />