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8B Consent 2009 0217
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2009 0217
8B Consent 2009 0217
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Last modified
2/13/2009 10:00:44 AM
Creation date
2/13/2009 10:00:43 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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The immediate family of an employee includes wife, husband, child, father, mother, sister, brother, <br />grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or step-parent where there is a child-rearing <br />relationship. <br />Funeral leave applies only in instances in which the employee attends the funeral or is required to <br />make funeral arrangements, but is not applicable for other purposes such as settling the estate of the <br />deceased. It is understood, however, that leave as provided in the preceding paragraph may be <br />granted to commence prior to the death of a member of the employee's immediate family or where <br />death appears imminent. <br />Section 9.0 Employee Wellness <br />For the period of this Memorandum of Understanding, the concept of employee wellness will <br />continue to be addressed by the City through, but not limited to, executive medical examinations, <br />workshops stressing weight control, nutrition, exercise, etc. The City agrees to continue to provide <br />to employees an Employee Assistance Program. It is agreed that such program shall not be an <br />automatic substitution for appropriate disciplinary action when such action is appropriate. <br />Section 10.0 Retirement <br />The City shall, for management staff, contribute to the Public Employees' Retirement System <br />(PERS) each pay period a portion of the employees' contribution rate as established by law, equal to <br />eight percent (8%) of the employees' "compensation" as that term is administered by the Board of <br />Administration of PERS, for the purpose of computing final compensation. Such contributions <br />shall be reported to PERS as special compensation. <br />The City shall maintain its contribution of the employees' contribution rate for public safety <br />management staff to nine percent (9%). <br />n~n~-~fe~-° T~~'~~-'ri"~@tne The City shall continue to contract ' with the <br />PERS Employees' Retirement System that provides a 2.5% @ 55 retirement benefit formula for <br />miscellaneous management employees. The City shall also maintain a contract with the PERS <br />Employees' Retirement System to provide a 3% @ 50 retirement benefit formula for management <br />Safety employees. These plans shall contain the following options: <br />remarriage post survivor allowance continuance <br />credit for unused sick leave option <br />military service credit option <br />~ec~~-i~r~~ ~, ~A9C-m~The City shall contribute to the Public Employees' Retirement <br />System (PERS) each pay period a portion of a new employee's contribution rate as established by <br />law according to the following schedule: year 1 - 2%; year 2 - 4%; year 3 - 6%. Thereafter, the <br />Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) shall be equal to eight percent (8%) of the <br />employee's "compensation" for miscellaneous employees or equal to nine percent (9%) of the <br />employee's "compensation" for safety employees as that term is administered by the Board of <br />Administration of PERS. Prior CaIPERS service time will be credited to new employees to reduce <br />the contribution rates specified above. <br />7 <br />slmo-2-2-09JC <br />
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