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• The Public Works Department estimated that the Phase 1 improvements will increase annual <br />maintenance costs by $27,250 <br />• Maintenance costs for the parking lot will be shared between the Hospital and the City <br />Budget Authority <br />• The 2004-OS Fiscal Year budget adopted by Resolution No. 2004-192 on June 21, 2004 <br />provided the following funding: CIP funds in Account No. 210-43-191 and CDBG funds in <br />Account No. 165-43-191 <br />• Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding in Account No. 150-43-191 <br />• The 2006-07 Fiscal Year budget adopted by Resolution No. 2006-059 on June 19, 2006 <br />provided the following funding: Hospital contribution funds in Account No. 210-43-102, <br />CDBG funds in Account No. 165-43-192, and Redevelopment Agency JPA funds in Account <br />No. 962-43-192 <br />• The 2007-08 Fiscal Year budget allocated additional CDBG funding to this project in <br />Account No. 165-43-192 <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends acceptance of the work, filing of the Notice of Completion, and authorizing <br />the City Manager to release the maintenance bonds for the subject project upon successful <br />completion of the one-year maintenance period. <br />K:AAA-C\COUNC1L~2009~2 FEB l7\SENIOR CENTER PHASE 1 ACCEPT MEM.docx <br />