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Finance Highlights 2009 0120 v2
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2009 0120 v2
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2/13/2009 11:39:54 AM
Creation date
2/13/2009 11:29:52 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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Mayor Santos inquired about the Special Assessments and whether or not Capital Improvement <br />Projects with fund balances were still committed and Sr. Accountant Galvin stated that they <br />were. Mayor Santos asked that this be noted in future documents. Carter explained that the CIP <br />funds were restricted and he would provide a list to him of the projects. Mayor Santos also <br />asked for a list of all outstanding claims and judgments. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking to Council for approval. <br />2. Budget Updates <br />Carter updated the Committee on the current Revenue and Expenditure status as of December <br />31, 2008. In October 2008, staff reported that revenues would be down $2.1 million by fiscal <br />year end. Unfortunately as revenue from Sales, Real Property Transfer, Business License, <br />Franchise, Transient Occupancy, and Property Taxes continue to decline, staff estimates a <br />shortfall of an additional $2.5 million, bringing the total deficit to $7.5 million. Expenditures are <br />carefully being reviewed and Carter reported a $1 million savings in salaries; $400k saved in <br />travel and training; and $ l OOk from fire services. By end of this fiscal year, staff anticipates a <br />fund balance of $11.6 million. <br />Community Development Director Sims stated that the new Wa1Mart was expected to bring in <br />$125k - $150k in new sales tax however the biggest section of sales tax decline was from <br />business to business sales. City Manager Hollister reiterated that losses in revenue will impact <br />budget planning for fiscal year 2009-10. <br />Mayor Santos and Councilmember Prola expressed their concern in reducing travel and training <br />for all. Mayor Santos stated that much is gained by attending conferences and is concerned that <br />resources and contacts can be lost. Prola stated his concern is that employees may jeopardize <br />their jobs by not complying with the necessary training to properly fulfill their duties. City <br />Manager Hollister stated that all mandatory training was allowed and only unnecessary <br />conferences were being cut. Prola also recommended offering voluntary reduction of <br />employees' work hours before contemplating any layoffs. <br />Mayor Santos indicated that the Federal Government was going to pass a bill that would provide <br />cities with police and environment funding and therefore expressed his desire for staff to hold off <br />in making any cuts until then. <br />Budget & Compliance Manger Perini presented a PowerPoint Presentation of a Preliminary <br />Summary of Budget Reductions with information provided by each department. Perini <br />explained that each department was asked to provide reductions of 5%, 7%, and 10%. <br />3. Discussion Regarding FY 2007-08 Final Budget Adjustments <br />Carter provided a summary and explanation of the year end budget adjustments for fiscal year <br />2007-08, which total $1,130,707. <br />2 <br />
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