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H. Agency and City have determined that development of the Project <br />pursuant to this Agreement is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and the <br />Implementation Plan for the Project Area, will be of primary benefit to the <br />Project Area, and will be consistent with and further the goals of the CRL and <br />the Redevelopment Plan by assisting in the elimination of blight and by <br />providing recreational amenities of benefit to the residents of the Project Area. <br />The Agency, City, and School District have each determined that there is no <br />feasible alternative means of financing the Project without Agency assistance, <br />and have each followed all procedures required by the CRL, including without <br />limitation the requirements of CRL Sections 33445 and 33679. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and <br />sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE I <br />PROJECT FINANCING <br />1.1 Project Funding. Provided that the Joint Use Agreement has been <br />executed and delivered by City and School District, Agency shall contribute <br />funds for the Project in an amount equal to the sum of Two Million One <br />Hundred Seventy Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($2,170,800) (the "Agency <br />Financial Contribution") far the following purposes: <br />$1,635,360 - Gymnasium construction <br />$ 176,490 - Upgrades to exterior of Gymnasium <br />$ 44,730 - Curb and gutter work at 138 Avenue and Bancroft Avenue <br />(710 linear feet) <br />$ 129,220 - Sidewalk on 138 Avenue and Bancroft Avenue (7,100 <br />square feet) <br />$ 185,000 - Asphalt improvements to drop off area (2,500 square feet) <br />1.2 In-Kind Contributions. Agency shall make the following in-kind <br />contributions to the Project: <br />Asphalt improvements for 138 Avenue widening (500 square feet) <br />(valued at $37,000). <br />Corner reconfiguration at 138 Avenue and East 14~ Street, including <br />50 linear feet of curb and gutter work, handicap ramps and signal <br />modifications (valued at $49,550; completed in 2008). <br />1.3 Schedule for Payments. Agency shall pay the Agency Financial <br />Contribution to School District as follows: <br />1 1 8721 6-1 <br />