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approval authority, provided said school gymnasium complies with applicable <br />State law. <br />2. USE <br />A. To the extent permitted by law, City shall be entitled to schedule <br />exclusive use of the school gymnasium for recreational purposes <br />by the general public beginning at 6:00 p.m. on days during which <br />school instructional classes are being conducted on the school site <br />except during a four month period (November-February). City shall <br />also be entitled to exclusive use on weekends and non student <br />days. City shall submit a schedule for exclusive use no later than <br />July 31 for usage dates between January 1 to June 30, and no <br />later than January 31 for usage dates between July 1 to December <br />31. District shall submit to City a schedule of District use of <br />gymnasium on non student days no later than mid-September for <br />fall and winter and no later than mid-January for spring. Upon <br />agreement between the City and District on the City's scheduled <br />use, District may make the gymnasium available to other groups. <br />Should hours of use of the gymnasium become available during <br />times which the District was scheduled to use the gymnasium, the <br />City has first right of refusal of use of the gymnasium before it is <br />offered to another entity. District shall be entitled to exclusive use <br />all other hours, except as otherwise agreed to by the City Manager <br />and the Superintendent of District. <br />B. District shall provide lockable space for City for storage of City <br />owned supplies and sports equipment. <br />C. The City Manager and the Superintendent of District shall, by <br />mutual agreement, determine those portions of the school <br />gymnasium that can be used by the public during days on which <br />school instructional classes are in session. <br />3. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE <br />A. District shall maintain the school gymnasium including cleaning, <br />routine maintenance and all repairs. City shall repair any damage to the <br />interior of the school gymnasium that is caused by participants or activities <br />associated with City's use during the hours City has exclusive use. The <br />District shall repair any damage to the school gymnasium caused during the <br />hours District has control over the school gymnasium. City and District shall <br />each be responsible for maintaining the school gymnasium and restrooms <br />during their respective hours of use, including assignment of staff and <br />removing trash and debris from the area. Following each party's respective use <br />of the school gymnasium, City and District shall leave the school gymnasium <br />and associated facilities and grounds in a clean and safe condition. <br />2 <br />