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Committee Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommends that the full City Council approve maintenance of the <br />soundwall sections adjacent to City streets for graffiti as required by Caltrans. <br />4. Discussion Regarding 2009-10 CIP Program <br />Due to time constraints, Councilmember Souza asked for a brief summary of this agenda <br />item. CIP lists were distributed to the Committee members and Steve Hollister explained <br />that City staff had generated the CIP list and that the projects on the list would be ranked <br />in the order of importance. He stated that the Committee and the full Council should go <br />through the list and rank their top L O prof ects as well. City staff will then meld both lists <br />together to create one CIP list. <br />5. Continued Discussion Regarding Future Committee Meeting Dates /Times <br />Following a brief discussion, it was determined that future Facilities Committee dates and <br />times will remain unchanged. <br />6. Discussion Regarding Selection of Committee Chairperson <br />Councilmember Souza agreed to take over chairperson duties of the Facilities Committee. <br />x. <br />7. Public Comments <br />Regarding access to Shoreline Trail at Marina (the proposed dog park area), Sabrina <br />Almazan asked if it is handicap accessible. Steve Hollister stated that City staff will <br />explore the area and make sure that it meets ADA requirements. <br />After consulting with the City Attorney, Steve Hollister reported that park impact fees <br />can be used for new enhancement to existing facilities, but cannot be used for routine <br />maintenance. <br />8. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Reed asked if the community meetings with AC Transit have been <br />scheduled. Keith responded that the meetings have not yet been scheduled although they <br />will probably be scheduled in the next month or two. <br />Councilmember Reed asked when the underground work near Bayfair would be <br />completed. Keith explained that this is a multiphase project that will take several months <br />due to the type of work and the number of utility companies involved. <br />Councilmember Reed asked about the process of sidewalk repair where City trees are <br />involved. She inquired about any programs to assist residents that cannot afford the <br />repairs. Several City staff responded to explain the City's Sidewalk Repair Program and <br />let her know about the program through the City's Housing Services Division that offers <br />home repair grants for senior and disabled residents. <br />