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ii <br />Vesting Tentative Map-8010 10 March 2, 2009 <br />Current City Council Policy <br />The City Council adopted the TOD Strategy on September 4, 2007. The Vesting Tentative Map is <br />consistent with that plan. <br />Previous City Council Action <br />See above. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not Applicable. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />', The City of San Leandro updated its General Plan in 2001. The San Leandro Crossings project <br />conforms to the City's General Plan pursuant to the following General Plan policies: <br />Policy 3.01 <br />MIX OF UNIT TYPES <br />Encourage a mix of residential development types in the City, including single family <br />homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, live-work units, <br />planned unit developments, and multi family housing. <br />FINDING: The proposed development will provide 100 affordable multi-family housing <br />units (rental). Affordable housing is desirable for the City's economic future and adds to <br />the variety of housing types in the City. The project will also provide for 400 market rate <br />condominiums and parking facilities. <br />Policy 3.02 <br />MIX OF PRICE RANGES <br />Encourage a mix of price ranges to provide housing choices for San Leandro residents of <br />all incomes and ages. Opportunities to include affordable units and market rate units <br />within the same development projects should be pursued. <br />FINDING: The proposed project is an affordable housing project and will be managed by <br />BRIDGE housing and will support an underserved segment of San Leandro's citizens by <br />offering low income housing. Additionally, parcel 1 will contain 400 market rate <br />condominiums. <br />Policy 3.03 <br />AFFORDABLE HOUSING DESIGN <br />Design new affordable housing to blend in with the existing fabric of the community. <br />Affordable housing should be located in a variety of neighborhoods rather than <br />concentrated in one particular part of the City. <br />FINDING: The proposed project is designed by David Baker and Partners, a nationally <br />recognized architectural firm that specializes in affordable housing projects. The <br />architects are using historical and contextual design themes and colors to fit the character <br />of the community. <br />