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Vesting Tentative Map-8010 12 March 2, 2009 <br />Policy 3.10 <br />CONVERSION OFNON-RESIDENTIAL LAND TO HOUSING AND PUBLIC USES <br />Encourage the development of new housing on underutilized commercial and industrial <br />sites which meet the following criteria: <br />• Sites on the edges of commercial or industrial areas, near to established <br />residential areas. <br />• Sites where continued use with commercial or industrial activities could <br />perpetuate existing land use conflicts. <br />• Sites with adequate infrastructure, access, and road capacity. <br />• Sites which are not constrained by external environmental factors, including <br />freeway, railroad, and airport noise. <br />• Sites where conflicts with surrounding uses would not be created in the event of <br />re-use. <br />• Sites which lack `prime " qualities for commercial or industrial development, <br />such as direct freeway or rail access. <br />• Publicly-owned land which is not being used to its fullestpotential. <br />Sites meeting the above criteria should also be considered for churches, libraries, <br />parks, community facilities, and other uses that provide necessary seruices and <br />advance the quality of life in the community. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Site Plan Review Permit 2008-00031was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission on <br />January 22, 2009. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project and the associated Mitigated Negative Declaration tiers off of an Environmental <br />Impact Report prepared for the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) <br />Strategy that was certified on September 4, 2007. The Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />encompasses a Vesting Tentative Map (PLN2008-00054 Map Number 8010) and Site Plan <br />Review (PLN2008-00031) for a proposed 100 unit affordable housing project with 106 parking <br />spaces. The property encompasses three separate parcels totaling 5.27 acres and is currently <br />vacant. The project site is located within the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented (TOD) <br />Development Strategy Area and is the first development project to implement the TOD Strategy. <br />Project-specific impacts other than those identified in the TOD Strategy EIR are evaluated in the <br />associated Mitigated Negative Declaration. The 27 mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration would address all potentially significant project-related impacts resulting in <br />no significant impacts. Therefore, there is no substantial evidence, in light of the whole record <br />before the City of San Leandro, the lead agency, that the project as revised may have a significant <br />effect on the environment. <br />Copies of the Mitigated Negative Declaration were sent to the different state agencies for review. <br />A copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study is attached. The 30-day public <br />review period established far the document was from November 17, 2008 to December 17, 2008. <br />Comments were received from the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) <br />regarding work within the State public right-of--way. A response to comments was prepared <br />indicating that no project-related improvements would be conducted with the State right-of--way. <br />The Public Utilities Commission commented on rail safety associated with the nearby rail <br />corridor. The City of San Leandro Engineering and Transportation Department and the <br />