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3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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Packet 2009 0302
3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 22, 2009 <br />Agenda No. 09-02 Page 3 of 19 <br />With the mitigation measures included, none of the impacts would rise to the level of being <br />significant. Thus, the project, as revised, will not have a significant environmental effect. <br />Commissioners' packets include both revised conditions of approval and a revised mitigation <br />monitoring plan. In conclusion, Mr. Millenbah said that staff supports the proposed design as the <br />diversity of building heights and materials give the project visual interest while referencing local <br />architectural themes, and recommends approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the Site Plan <br />subject to the conditions of approval provided, and the Vesting Tentative Map. <br />Chair Dlugosh invited Commissioner comments and questions. There being none, he requested <br />the Applicant's presentation. <br />Lydia Tan, Executive Vice President of BRIDGE Housing Corporation and its sister company, <br />BUILD LLC, began by thanking City staff (including Planning, Engineering & Transportation, <br />Housing, Building, Fire and Environmental Departments) for involvement in ensuring that the <br />proposal meets San Leandro's standards and high-quality requirements, willingness to provide <br />input about features that will make the project a great one in terms of the TOD Strategy as well as <br />future residents of the development, and the late nights and weekends staff has invested in the <br />proposal. Indicating that architect David Baker would talk about how the design has progressed <br />since the Planning Commission's Work Session (October 23) and that landscape architect Chris <br />Pattillo would address landscape improvements, she then discussed the project's process to date <br />and its programmatic elements. She alluded to the TOD Strategy; the Exclusive Negotiating <br />Agreement (ENA) to pursue development of the BART and Westlake sites (entered into February <br />4, 2008); and the California Department of Housing and Community Development Proposition <br />1C (Housing Bond) grants - an Infill Incentives Grant (IIG) Program award of nearly $12.5 <br />million awarded to the City and a TOD Program grant of $12 million mole approved for the City <br />and BRIDGE. She mentioned outreach efforts, including two tours of other BRIDGE projects and <br />I S public sessions so far (with more to come). These included: <br />o Five workshops, including one for interested homeowners' associations, one specifically <br />for the Pacific Plaza HOA and another for businesses. <br />o Meetings with Pacific Plaza residents, Congregations Organizing for Renewal (COR) and <br />labor group representatives. <br />o Presentations at St. Leander's, the Chamber of Commerce, OSI Software and the Asian <br />Business Council. <br />There also have been two City Council study sessions and the Planning Commission Work <br />Session. Meetings and/or presentations are also scheduled with the Downtown Business <br />Association, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs and members of the Sentinels. Ms. Tan expressed <br />appreciation to people in the community who have taken the time to hear about the proposal and <br />ask good questions that have resulted in proposal improvements. She reiterated the fact that <br />tonight's presentation involves only the affordable housing portion of the project, noting that the <br />proposal for the BART parking garage awaits resolution of some land acquisition issues. The <br />parking garage will provide 100% replacement of the existing east BART parking lot, an <br />expandable facility that will initially contain 329 parking spaces on three levels. Phase I of the <br />San Leandro Crossings project includes two pieces on the western side of the BART station, the <br />parking garage and the 100 units of affordable rental housing with some 5,000 square feet of <br />community space and 106 parking stalls. The affordable housing component has been named <br />"The Alameda at San Leandro Crossings," partly because aameda means "tree shaded <br />promenade or public park" and partly because it is in Alameda County. (Previously, the <br />affordable housing development had been dubbed "Cannery Court." Phase II will include "The <br />Cornerstone at San Leandro Crossings" on the western part of the site, which will be 200 market- <br />rate condominiums with 290 parking stalls and up to 5,000 square feet of retail space.). <br />
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