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3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2009 0302
3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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2/27/2009 1:02:36 PM
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2/27/2009 1:02:31 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Vesting Tentarive Map-8010 b March 2, 2009 <br />will be required to submit a parcel map for condominium purposes if they want to build <br />condominiums and they will also be required to bring their development proposal through the <br />Site Plan Review process. The vesting associated with this map does not vest to the applicant <br />approval for any project design or for any further subdivisions. <br />Other Related Background <br />The Alameda at San Leandro Crossings <br />The Alameda at San Leandro Crossings project will be situated on 1.25 net acres just north of the <br />Replacement Parking Garage and identified as lot 2. The project will contain 100 affordable <br />homes based on the following breakdown: <br />25 1 Bedroom Units <br />34 2 Bedroom Units <br />41 3 Bedroom Units (includes on-site mana ers unit) <br />100 Total Units <br />The project will be built as R2 occupancy, Type V-A, 4-stories of residential apartments over a <br />S-2 occupancy, Type 1, single-story parking structure. The total height of the building will be <br />less than 50 feet (building code height). The building will be set back from the western property <br />line to minimize the impact of vibration and noise from the railroad. <br />The ground floor frontage will include the main lobby and mailroom, a bike room, 5,000 square <br />feet of program space, and four accessible homes with individual street entries. Behind the <br />facade will be a single level parking structure containing 100 parking stalls including accessible <br />auto and van stalls. Six additional spaces will be located on the access drive. Access to the <br />garage will be from Martinez Street via an entry driveway on the south side of the building. <br />Mechanical, electrical equipment, trash, maintenance and utility rooms will also be located on <br />the ground floor. The garage will be naturally ventilated. <br />Apartments will face Martinez Street, the new paseo to the north, and the Replacement Parking <br />Garage to the south. No apartments will face the Union Pacific railroad line to the west due to <br />the existing noise conditions. In addition, apartments will also face inwards on all sides, fully <br />wrapping an internal podium-level landscaped courtyard. <br />The podium will contain well landscaped outdoor areas, including a central raised landscaped <br />feature, children's play area, and community patio adjacent to the community room. Also <br />accessible at the podium level will be amulti-purpose community club room with kitchen that <br />will be available for resident use, community functions and used to deliver resident services and <br />after school programs. Laundry rooms will be conveniently provided on every floor adjacent to <br />the elevator lobby. <br />A 10 foot deep, heavily landscaped, setback will be provided along Martinez Street. A <br />community garden with individual private gardens for the residents will be located on the west <br />side of the building within the setback area. These community gardens will provide an <br />opportunity for residents to grow fresh herbs and vegetables. This area will also include a small <br />community gathering area as well as a landscaped bio-swale to handle site drainage. <br />
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