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FY 2009-10 Consolidated Action Plan 3 March 16, 2009 <br />For FY 2009-10, the City is projecting a CDBG entitlement grant amount of $720,922, which is <br />the same as FY 2008-09, since HUD has not yet finalized its CDBG budget due to Congressional <br />delays. City staff also projects that there will be no unallocated funds next fiscal year, nor will <br />there be any program income in FY08-09 and FY09-10. <br />The City is anticipating $195,836 in additional CDBG funding from the American Recovery & <br />Reinvestment Act of 2009. However, HUD has yet to release its guidelines on the use of these <br />additional CDBG funds. <br />The City will also receive $262,724 in HOME funds from the Alameda County HOME <br />Consortium plus an estimated $428,859 carried over from prior year HOME funds. <br />The proposed CDBG-funded activities in the FY 2009-10 Annual Action Plan fall into the <br />following eligible categories: Public Services, Public Facilities, and General Administration. For <br />Public Services, the City issued a Community Assistance Grant Program Request for Proposals <br />in FY 2007-08 to award two-year grants through FY 2008-10. The Human Services <br />Commission made final funding recommendations on February 27, 2008, approving CDBG <br />grants for public services for two years, with the stipulation that CDBG grants are awarded <br />annually based upon the City's CDBG entitlement grant. FY 2009-10 is the 2°a year of the two- <br />year cycle. <br />In accordance with HUD regulations, the City cannot commit more than 15% of its annual <br />CDBG allocation (plus the estimated CDBG generated program income from the current fiscal <br />year) toward Public Services. City staff projects a seven percent (7%), or $7,763, reduction in <br />CDBG Public Services funding from $115,901 in FY08-09 to $108,138 in FY09-10 due to no <br />projected program income. Under the draft Plan, staff proposes the following seven percent <br />(7%) across-the-board reduction in Public Services: <br />PUBLIC SERVICES <br />P~o'ect Name FY 08.09 FY09-90 <br />Buildin Futures with Women and Children San Leandro Shelter $ 30,000 $ 27,900 <br />Davis Street Famil Resource Center $ 26,151 $ 24,670 <br />Pro~ect Literac $ 30,000 $ 27,900 <br />Landlord Tenant Counseling $ 29,750 $ 27,668 <br />Total Amount Available Under 15% S endin Ca $ 115 901 $ 108 138 <br />On the other hand, staff proposes that ECHO's fair housing services continue to receive $14,000 <br />under the "General Administration" category in order to ease the burden on the "Public Services" <br />funding. <br />For Public Facilities, the City has historically utilized CDBG funds for capital improvement <br />projects initiated by the City and local non-profit agencies. CDBG funds have been used for <br />building and infrastructure improvements in eligible areas, accessibility upgrades to parks, and <br />facility improvements for non-profit agencies serving the community. For FY 2009-10, <br />$468,600 will be allocated to the following facility improvements: <br />