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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2009- (1020/1507) <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 11, CHAPTER 3, TITLE 1 OF THE SAN <br />LEANDRO MUNICIPAL CODE, AMENDING SECTIONS 1-3-1105 AND 1-3-1110 RELATED <br />TO THE RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION, TO CHANGE THE PROCEDURE FOR <br />NOMINATION OF MEMBERS BY THE BOARDS OF EDUCATION <br />WHEREAS, the membership of the Recreation and Parks Commission includes one <br />member nominated by the San Leandro Board of Education and one member nominated by the <br />San Lorenzo Board of Education; and <br />WHEREAS, the members nominated by the Boards of Education serve as liaisons <br />between the City's Recreation and Parks Commission and their respective School Boards; and <br />WHEREAS, the School Boards have experienced difficulty complying with the <br />requirement to provide the names of at least three (3) nominees for the positions, and as a result <br />the requirement has become an obstacle to the timely appointment of members to the Recreation <br />and Parks Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to facilitate the process by which the School Boards <br />nominate their representatives to the Recreation and Parks Commission. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of San Leandro does ordain as <br />follows: <br />SECTION 1. Section 1-3-1105 of the City of San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />to read: <br />1-3-1105 MEMBER NOMINATED BY SAN LEANDRO BOARD OF EDUCATION. <br />One member of the Commission appointed at large shall reside within the boundaries of <br />the San Leandro Unified School District. The governing board of the San Leandro Unified <br />School District shall submit the name of a nominee for appointment by the City Council. <br />SECTION 2. Section 1-3-1110 of the City of San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />to read: <br />1-3-1110 MEMBER NOMINATED BY SAN LORENZO BOARD OF EDUCATION. <br />One member of the Commission appointed at large shall reside within the boundaries of <br />the San Lorenzo Unified School District. The governing board of the San Lorenzo Unified <br />School District shall submit the name of a nominee for appointment by the City Council. <br />SECTION 3. Effective Date and Publication. <br />This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after adoption. The City Clerk is directed to <br />