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Airport Highlights 2009 0306
City Clerk
City Council
Airport Committee
Airport Highlights 2009 0306
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3/16/2009 2:18:53 PM
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3/16/2009 2:16:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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-~ ~,;`y~, 2008 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES <br />NOISE LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES <br />1. ESTABLISH NEW NOISE METRICS <br />The current method of measuring the impacts of aviation noise on individuals and <br />communities (Day-Night Sound Levels, DNL) is woefully inadequate. NOISE supports a <br />national initiative to study, define and establish new Noise Metrics meant to quantify the <br />impact of a noise emission on the health and welfare of the general public. <br />Z. FEDERAL STUDIES ON NOISE AND EMISSIONS <br />NOISE supports the inclusion in the FAA Reauthorization bill of the provision in the <br />House-passed version of the bill which authorizes a Study on the federal responsibility for <br />aircraft noise and emissions standards. (Section 510, of H.R. 2881) <br />~. AIRPORT DEPARTURE QUEUE MANAGEMENT <br />NOISE supports the inclusion of the aircraft departure queue management pilot program. <br />This Program Authorizes the FAA to establish a pilot program at five public-use airports to <br />design, develop, and test new air traffic flow management technologies to better manage <br />the flow of aircraft on the ground and reduce ground holds and idling times for aircraft. <br />(Section 508, of H.R. 2881) <br />4. SUPPORT GENERAL CONFORMITY RULES IN CLEAR AIR ACT <br />NOISE urges the FAA and EPA to resist changing the "General Conformity" provisions of <br />the Clean Air Act and opposes allowing afacility-wide emission budget whereby airports <br />would establish their own level of emissions without having to perform additional analysis, <br />exempting short-term construction projects from analysis under the "General Conformity" <br />regulations, omitting analysis of ultra fine particles (PM 1.0 and below), and allowing <br />states to establish lists of actions "presumed to conform" with the Clean Air Act, thus <br />allowing project sponsors to avoid compliance. <br />S. ALLOW SEC. I89 TO EXPIRE AND ALLOW MITIGATION BEYOND 65 DNL <br />This legislative priority was included in the House passed version of the Federal Aviation <br />Administration Reauthorization bill (H.R. 2881) <br />NOISE urges Congress to allow section 189 of Vision 100 (65 DNL restriction) to expire with the <br />current FAA Authorization. This provision interferes with several carefully negotiated mitigation <br />plans between communities and local airports and also eliminates the prospect of mitigation beyond <br />the 65 DNL for other communities. NOISE believes that a nation-wide mandate is <br />counterproductive and that the specifics of mitigation plans should be determined by local <br />jurisdictions, taking into account the unique circumstances of each community. <br />6. FULL FUNDING FOR THE AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />The House passed FAA bill provides full funding for the Airport Improvement Program <br />NOISE urges Congress to reject Administration proposals to slash authorized funding for the <br />Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and noise mitigation programs in the FAA "NextGen" <br />reauthorization package. NOISE supports authorization of AIP at levels comparable to funding <br />provided through Vision 100, including similar scheduled increases. NOISE opposes reduction of <br />noise mitigation funding in the AIP by diverting funds that would otherwise go to noise mitigation <br />to other priorities. NOISE strenuously opposes any formula for AIP funding that results in a <br />
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