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Airport Highlights 2009 0306
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Airport Highlights 2009 0306
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3/16/2009 2:18:53 PM
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3/16/2009 2:16:20 PM
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,~, ~'i, ,, 2008 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES I ~~ <br />decrease of noise mitigation funding. Additionally, Congress should strengthen points of order and <br />budget protections that would make it difficult for appropriators to fund AIP below the authorized <br />amount. <br />7. CLOSE THE SMALL AIRCRAFT LOOPHOLE <br />For the first time in history, the House passed bill (H.R. 2881) prohibits planes weighing less than <br />75, D00 pounds from flying unless they meet stringent state 3 noise level requirements. <br />NOISE supports legislation to address a loophole in federal aircraft noise requirements and prohibit <br />the operation of all Stage 2 aircraft -regardless of size. The exclusion in current law allows <br />operation of Stage 2 aircraft weighing less than 75,000 pounds. NOISE supports legislation <br />introduced by Senator Frank Lautenberg (NJ) to allow operation of stage 2 aircraft for only limited <br />purposes, including: sale outside the United States, scraping the aircraft, or the modifications to <br />stage 3 standards. <br />8. EXTENSION OF SECTION 160 COMPATIBLE LAND USE PROGRAM <br />The House passed version of the bill extends this important provision <br />NOISE supports the extension of authorization for Vision 100 Section 160 as proposed by the FAA <br />(NextGen section 315.) Section 160 authorized the FAA to make Airport Improvement Program <br />grants to states and units of local government with a goal of reducing incompatible land use around <br />large and medium-sized airports. The FAA has requested athree-year extension within the Next <br />Generation Air Transportation System Financing Reform Act of 2007 (HR 1356) as the program <br />has experienced low utilization due to start-up problems. Hearings on H.R. 1356, which embody <br />the FAA proposal, have been scheduled in both the House and the Senate. <br />9. CLEEN RESEARCH CONSORTIUM <br />The House passed bill establishes the CLEEN Research Constoium <br />NOISE supports the FAA proposal for development of the CLEEN Research Consortium (NextGen <br />section 606.) The proposal (H.R. 1356) would establish aworld-class consortium, via cooperative <br />agreement with the Center of Excellence, for development, maturing, & certification of lower <br />energy, emissions, noise engine & airframe technology over 10 years. CLEEN would have <br />performance objectives for the reduction of environmental impact including noise, fuel efficiency <br />and alternative fuel use, and emissions. <br />10. NASA AERONAUTICS RESEARCH PROGRAMS <br />NOISE opposes proposals to slash funding for Aeronautics Research Directorate programs within <br />the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) which would seriously limit the ability <br />to accomplish their mission. The division is charged by Congress with: "developing, and <br />demonstrating in a relevant environment, technologies to enable ... commercial aircraft [with) <br />performance characteristics [including] noise levels on takeoff and on airport approach and <br />landing that do not exceed ambient noise levels in the absence of flight operations in the vicinity of <br />airports from which such commercial aircraft would normally operate." The Aeronautics Research <br />Mission Directorate is critical to the development of new aircraft technologies and has historically <br />produced important advances and improvements in environmental impacts, performance, <br />efficiency, and safety of engines, airframes, and other aspects of aircraft construction. <br />11. MAKE ACRD PERMANENT <br />NOISE supports the FAA proposal to make the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRD) <br />permanent (NextGen sections 601 and 102.) The proposed legislation (HR 1356) would add $5 <br />million a year from AIP for environmental research for airport surroundings, including reduction of <br />community exposure to noise, aviation emissions, and other pollution sources. The ACRP has been <br />critical in supporting independent and academic research and development of airport operations <br />recommendations and procedures. <br />
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