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Airport Highlights 2009 0306
City Clerk
City Council
Airport Committee
Airport Highlights 2009 0306
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3/16/2009 2:18:53 PM
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3/16/2009 2:16:20 PM
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~, , 2008 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES <br />19. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN AIRSPACE AND TRAFFIC REDESIGN <br />NOISE urges Congress and the FAA to ensure that local communities are included as active and <br />substantive partners when considering the redesign of airspace and airport traffic patterns. <br />FEDERAL POLICY ISSUES <br />2O. ENHANCE MITIGATION POLICIES <br />NOISE supports setting 60 DNL as the minimum for the threshold of community compatibility. <br />NOISE opposes the categorical exclusion from environmental review of air traffic control <br />procedures that occur above 3,000 feet (FAA Order 1050.1D), and supports raising the 3,000 foot <br />exemption to 10,000 feet. <br />21<. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROJECTS <br />NOISE supports the continued study of noise contour projects, and supports the extension of <br />Environmental Assessment projects out to the 55 DNL contour. Further, Environmental <br />Assessments should be conducted for all changes in nighttime procedures. <br />22. FULL DISCLOSURE <br />NOISE calls on Congress to require that Part 150 and Master Plan studies should include full <br />disclosure and documentation of lobbying efforts for recommended development alternatives. <br />OPERATOR ISSUES <br />23. ALLOW OPERATOR CONTROL OVER VOLUME OF TAKEOFFS/LANDINGS <br />NOISE supports legislation to give local operators the power to refuse to schedule a volume of <br />flights that are well beyond its capacity. <br />24. AVOID FEDERAL CIRCUMVENTION OF LOCAL CONCERNS <br />NOISE strongly opposes federal legislation mandating capacity expansion of any individual airport. <br />Such an unprecedented intrusion of the federal government in local transportation decisions is <br />worrisome for many reasons, including calls for expedited environmental reviews and lack of <br />sufficient guarantee that local communities will have a voice in deciding noise mitigation strategies. <br />25. DEVELOPMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION DEMONSTRATION PILOT PROGRAMS <br />NOISE supports the development of Environmental Mitigation Demonstration (EMD) Pilot <br />Programs as proposed by the FAA (NextGen section 604.) EMD projects would demonstrate at <br />public-use airports the practical benefits of promising research to reduce impacts on noise, air or <br />water quality in the airport environment, with significant support from the AIP noise / <br />environmental set-aside. The benefit of the initial six pilot projects would extend beyond the <br />individual airport, as the FAA would identify and disseminate best practice information based on <br />project results. <br />26. BROADEN SCOPE FOR AIP FUNDING ELIGIBILITY <br />NOISE supports making special studies or reviews eligible for AIP funding as proposed by the <br />FAA (NextGen section 603.) The proposal (H.R. 1356) would broaden current authority for the <br />FAA and airport sponsors to enter into voluntary reimbursable agreements that are eligible for AIP <br />assistance, including environmental reviews for airport development, environmental mitigation in <br />an airport EIS, and part 150 approved mitigation programs. <br />
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