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REGIONAL CATASTROPHIC PREPAREDNESS GRANT PROGRAM <br />(RCPGP) <br />OVERVIEW (Page 2) <br />Each RCPGP site is expected to practice effective project management in order to plan <br />and execute projects successfully within the period of performance. The Bay Area will be <br />utilizing the Super Urban Area Security Initiative (SUASI) structure to manage all facets <br />of the RCPGP. This management structure has proven to be an effective tool in <br />managing Homeland Security grants and is seen as a national best practice. <br />To ensure effective project planning and execution, the SUASI Management Team is <br />required to create and maintain a project plan for each project funded by RCPGP. The <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), who is responsible for this grant <br />program, requires each site to submit an initial project plan for approval prior to receiving <br />grant finds. This task has already been completed and the Management Team, has been <br />given the authorization to move forward. The initial project plan is a "best estimate" of <br />the tasks and time required to complete the proposed projects. It must include all major <br />milestones and tasks, and account for all project and program deliverables. <br />Additionally, sites will be required to submit an updated project plan each quarter for the <br />duration of the grant program's period of performance, which concludes on March 31, <br />2010. This is to assist FEMA with monitoring the progress of the site and program. The <br />updated project plans are expected to show, as best as possible, the completion rate for <br />each task, as well as date, task, and timeline changes as appropriate. <br />As you can see, there is a tremendous amount of work that will need to be completed. <br />We look forward to working with each of you to make this program a success. <br />