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Memo <br />To: Chief Bradley <br />From: Marla Blagg <br />CC: Chief Gilbert <br />Date: 2/20/2009 <br />Re: City of San Leandro Disaster Council Meeting —Agenda Item: Community Trainings <br />The following information is the Alameda. County Fire Department summary report for community outreach and <br />training in the City of San Leandro from January 2008 to December 2008. <br />Training Events: <br />Personal Emergency Preparedness (PEP -1 hour) -10 classes were conducted in 2008 <br />This one hour workshop style classroom training is for individuals and families. The discussion includes how to <br />make a family plan, build an emergency kit and what items should be included and the proper way to store it. <br />The workshop also teaches basic prevention and mitigation strategies that you can do in your home to protect <br />your family and valuables. <br />Map Your Neighborhood (MYN — 2 hours) -1 class was conducted in 2008 (pilot program) <br />This two hour workshop style classroom training is for 'already' organized community groups such as <br />Neighborhood Watch and CERT Teams. Learn the "9 Steps to Take immediately Following a Disaster" <br />to secure your home and to protect your neighborhood. It is hard to think clearly following disaster and <br />these steps will help you to quickly and safely take actions that can minimize damage and protect lives. <br />Community Emergency Response Team (CERT — 20 hours) —1 class and 1 refresher class was conducted <br />This 20 hour didactic and hands on classroom training is for individuals, families, organized community groups, <br />businesses, schools and other agencies who may have a community or agency response responsibility. This <br />training helps students learn how to be self-sufficient without 9-1-1 support for an extended amount of time. <br />