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Finance Highlights 2009 0217
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2009 0217
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3/16/2009 2:23:33 PM
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3/16/2009 2:23:31 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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stated that we can use the funds for all these things mentioned, you want to prioritize. Hollister <br />stated that the funds cannot be used for routine maintenance and should be used for <br />enhancements which allow the City to accommodate increase use of the facility that is created by <br />the expanded population. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking to Council for approval. <br />2. Discussion Regarding General Fund Preliminary Budget 2009-2010 <br />Hollister provided a summary to the Committee explaining the decrease in revenue while the <br />costs for running the City have gone up. The City has implemented various cast savings <br />measures, which includes a soft hiring freeze and restriction on travel, supplies, and service <br />expenditures. However, the City continues to have a substantial gap and therefore must reduce <br />the budget. Staff used the fiscal year 2008-09 adopted budget as the base. Before reductions and <br />keeping the same service levels from current year, the preliminary shortfall amounted to $11.4 <br />million. The gap between expected revenue and expenditures for next fiscal year of $11.4 million <br />will result to an unhealthy designated fund balance of about $300 thousand for 2009-10. Staff <br />was directed to reduce expenditures thus was able to narrow down the shortfall to approximately <br />$2.9 million including a $lmillion transfer from the Self-Insurance Fund to the General Fund. <br />With the reductions comes a substantial cost in some of the programs that are provide to citizens, <br />which includes delay in service or elimination and suspension of some programs provided in the <br />past. <br />Due to the economic situation the City is faced with, strategies and guidelines were developed to <br />all departments. Staff's also looking at a 3-year Budget Strategy Plan which begins next year to <br />work out the budget deficit situation which could last for awhile. Originally, departments were <br />asked to reduce expenditures at five, seven, and ten percent which was not enough. City <br />Manager Hollister has now been looking at five and fifteen percent cuts. Hollister gave <br />directions to fire and police to do 5% cuts, which are still significant in terms ofwhat needs to be <br />cut and with much less impact on services than if they had to cut ten percent cuts or fifteen <br />percent cuts. Other departments were asked to reduce general fund expenditures by 15%. Every <br />department gave their 15% budget reduction recommendation to the City Manager. <br />Hollister spoke about the schedule that a review by departments will be delivered to the <br />Committee and strategies that are planned. A follow-up meeting on February 24th will give the <br />committee a chance to review the recommendations and have some discussions with department <br />heads regarding the recommendations. Hollister stated that if there is an area that the committee <br />disagrees on reducing then a reduction elsewhere needs to happen, in order to achieve the <br />amount of reductions that are needed in closing the deficit gap. The plan is to bring forward <br />today the budget recommendations to the Finance Committee and in the next two weeks be able <br />to present to the full City Council on March 23rd a preliminary general fund budget. These are <br />difficult cuts for the city to make, and department heads and staff made the best judgments to <br />continue on serving the citizens of the city. Hollister mentioned that everyone is open to <br />suggestions by council, employees, and employee groups for other places that may assist the city <br />in reducing the deficit. <br />2 <br />
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